Friday 15 May 2015

Top 10 Tips for the First Time Gym-Goer Should know!

So talking about your new year resolution of staying toned up and in shape, there are few things you need to know before starting off your new gym routine. Right knowledge is the key to reaching your goal successfully and for optimum results you need to know what to do and what not to, the pros and  cons of performing an exercise.
We have rounded up here the most important and useful tips and tricks for you that will help you get through your gym sessions smoothly. These tips include the guidelines to the intake of proper supplements and nutrition’s along with the motivation that you will be required during your daily gym session.
Being a beginner you should know that with a little but right effort you will notice the results quickly and at an accelerated rate along with the improved shape of your body and looks.
Go through the top 10 tips for the first time gym goners.

1. The right forms

The first thing you should know is the right way and posture of carrying out and performing a specific exercise. If you have doubts about it, consult a professional because once you will start off in a wrong way it will be difficult for you to cut it down and do the right way.

2. Consistency is the key

Work out on daily basis even it is for a short time, this will build up your routine and consistency. This is very important if you want your workout to be effective and fruitful.

3. Loosen up a bit

Don’t rush into thing and panic if you are not seeing a difference within few days, just relax and give it some time, worrying about it means you are wasting your energy. Just focus on the area you are working on and relax the rest for better result.

4. Warm up

Warming up before the work out the very important and helps your body build up a little heat, this keeps your body from getting any cramps and strains later.

5. Stretching

Stretching after every workout helps in avoiding muscle ache and pain after the workout and the next day. It also maintains the blood flow into your muscles and veins and saves you from getting any injuries.

6. Stay motivated

Set your goal and keep yourself motivated by reminding yourself about it again and again, find yourself a partner to workout with so that you don’t break the routine and you stay dedicated to it and do not get bored of it.

7. Mix it up

Do not perform the same exercise daily, for the same time and with the same intensity, if you want good result. Vary the time and perform them exercise with the varied intensity every day. Use different machines and new techniques.

8. Workout on legs

Many beginners simply stay focused on their upper body, arms, broad chest and abdominal muscles and forget to work on their legs. This leaves your legs muscles in a bad shape and gives your whole body a bad shape. Sure you do not want to waste your precious efforts.

9. Do not forget to take Carbs and proteins

Carbohydrates and proteins are important because your body needs energy to get going. You needs fuel so do intake fruits and high fibre products so that you get long lasting energy for your work out. You can go for a jam and jelly sandwich or a low fat cheese food item.

10. Inhale and exhale

Breathing plays a very important role in your workout, inhale at the count of three and then exhale the same way, this will generate more force and will help you work out longer.

Above mentioned are the top 10 tips and tricks for the new gym beginners, which will definitely help them get the best results. Stay healthy and stay happy.


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