Sunday 17 May 2015

Most Importance Of Effective Diet For Low Weight

Weight loss has been a hot topic of discussion among men and women who want to look smart and lead a healthy life. While on one hand, uncontrollable eating can cause obesity and various other health issues like high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure, with healthy eating we can maintain low weight, look young and feel healthy at the same time.

New research on healthy eating shows that you can keep the extra pounds off from your body for good if you eat right and work out the right way.
The most frustrating thing for weight watchers is that
only one person out of six people is able to maintain low weight over a long period of time. While the reasons for weight gain vary from person to person, it cannot be denied that repeated weight gain is very frustrating in the long run.The important and significance of effective diet is being stressed by doctors and medical practitioners too as it can keep you away from diseases and medicines.

Finding the right way to maintain low weight is very difficult and overweight people go to extreme measures to keep a balanced weight. However, many of them do not realize that the key to maintaining low weight is effective diet.  When you eat right, maintaining the right number of calories, fats and proteins and minerals, you are providing the body with the right nutrients to keep functioning without gaining excessive pounds.

When we eat too much, our metabolism is overworked and cannot burn calories the way it should to keep a healthy body that in turn leads to weight gain. Eating an effective diet that is targeted to provide the necessary calories helps the metabolism to burn them effective and thus keeps the body healthy with a balanced weight
A research was carried out at the Boston Children's Hospital and they came up with a solution to this problem after studying the effects of three types of diets on human metabolism

 The ideal supply for people who want to maintain a balanced weight comprises of low fat diet with 60% carbohydrates, 20% fat and 20% protein

 For people with diabetic conditions, a low glycemic index diet is best with 40% carbohydrates, 40% fat and 20% proteins

A low carbohydrate diet with 10% carbohydrates, 60% fat and 30% protein is ideal for a normal body

However, it is important to remember that a balanced diet for a normal body is one that comprises of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in normal proportions depending on the age and the body of the individuals. While having too much fat, carbohydrates and proteins can lead to health problems, lesser intake can also lead to deficiencies. The way best to eat effectively is to consider your age group and body type and eat accordingly to maintain a balanced weight and good health.  The importance of eating an effective diet for low weight is the best way to keep away from various health problems and live a happy life free of medication and medical help too.


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