Sunday 31 May 2015

The Secret Benefits Of Beards

Sometimes men like clean shave and sometimes they prefer beards. Beards have become fashion statement for men. Up to now you had beard as a fashion now I tell you some good reasons to take a break from your razor. Beside fashionable looks, beards have a number of secret benefits. The number one fact is that it speeds up your morning routine and save your time.

You don’t have to spend your time in cleaning your shave. Research also has revealed that growing a beard is the key to keeping you look younger and fresh, cancer free and naturally moisturized. I have listed some secrets benefits of beards that will surely be the cause of your beneficial fashion statement.

1. Blemish free skin:

Beards keeps your skin blemish free. The usage of razor cannot hide your blemishes of skin from your face. The shaving also sometimes becomes the cause of acne, rashes, blemishes and hair follicle inflammation. Razor can irritate your skin and or even spread bacteria which also cause infection of the hair follicle.

2. Shows masculinity:

Beards also show a man’s masculinity. It is regarded a catchy ingredient to impress the opposite sex. The people who want to impress opposite sex must have beard. Forget about little nicks and cuts on your face caused by regular shaving and keep your skin great.

3. Produce natural moisture:

Your face has its own inbuilt mechanism of producing moisture. It is called sebaceous glands which are produced by hair on your face. This natural oil secretes by hair of beard keeps your skin moisturized. A beard on your face protects your face from wind exposure which can result in redness and dryness.

4. Protection from sun rays:

Beard on face protects your face from sun rays. It has been scientifically proved. According to recent research conducted in the University of Southern Queensland, beards are helpful in blocking up at least 90 percent of the sun’s UV rays.

This will not only protect your face from harmful rays of the sun but also play a huge role in preventing basal cell carcinomas which is the most common type of all cancers. In the four out of five men, visible aging symptoms in men appear on neck, face and head. So beard will keep bottom half of your face looking young.

5. Shelter from cold:

In winters, beard will keep you warm and actually help you in coping up with cold as well. The longer your beard will be; you will get better insulation.

6. Reduce bacterial infection:

Beards prevents your face from bacterial infections, ingrowths and folliculitis (infection of the hair follicles which cause spots). The chances of these infections are more frequent as a result of hazards of regular shaving.

Besides all these benefits, beards are also reflects the power, strength, success and feeling of strong love and strong mental power of a man. So stop shaving and start growing your beard. Don’t be afraid of other’s reaction regarding your beard. To have a better beard, do not shave at all for at least the first four weeks of the beard. Once it grows well after four weeks, you can start shaping your beard. And if it looks over long, you can trim it down to a smaller size later.


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