Saturday 16 May 2015

Beauty Tips For Looking Young

Every woman likes to look sweet 16 forever and never want to get old. It is not an easy task, you have to take a lot of care of yourself. You might have read so many beauty tips for this purpose. Everybody wants to look beautiful but generally we divide it into two categories. For good look you have to take care of your hair, dresses, hands, nails, lips, teeth, eyes, foot etc. Here are a few tips to get you looking your gorgeous best.

Home is sweet home and it has many wonderful things to offers you. I m sure you must be taking milk everyday. Banana also must be lying in your dining fruit breakfast.

Some effective beauty tips for looking young.

Take care of your teeth and brush twice a day.
Mix equal quantities of cucumber juice, rose water and lime juice. Wash the face and apply it overnight. Rinse off in the morning. This clears the complexion and keeps it healthy.
Sleep well and drink lots of water daily, it will clean your body and make your skin look healthy and younger. It will also reduce under eye dark circle.
Keep your hair clean, wash them regularly. Find a good shampoo and conditioner that works well for your hair.
To get rid of persistent oiliness on your face, using elements with astringent properties gives the best results.
Exposure to the sun leads to damage of skin. Thus it is recommended that you use a sunscreen lotion or sun-block cream before venturing out.
Make a paste of raw carrots and apply it to the face. Wash it after one hour. The skin will become glowing.
A mixture of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.
Make sure that you look clean and smell good always. Choose a perfume that suits you and apply it on wrists and neck.
Most important is to be confident about yourself because it is the best investment you can do.


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