Friday 15 May 2015

Effective Remedies For Constipation

Sitting in the toilet for long hours, suffering pain and waiting endlessly for body to produce bowel movement is very uncomfortable and painful. For people who suffer from constipation or have suffered from this problem at some point in their life will recall the horrors this condition can bring and try their best to avoid it. It is not only bad for health as sitting in the toilet as it is no healthy place to be but it is also not good for intestines as we keep on pushing but cannot achieve anything and in some cases, it results in further complications. Some of the common causes for constipation include eating too much dairy products, too many fatty foods, junk food, lack of exercise, too much fiber rich foods and too much of laxatives that disrupts the body’s normal working.

 The longer you suffer from this condition; it will become complicated and cause problems for you.  It is very unhealthy to suffer from constipation for longer times and needs proper treatment. This article brings a few tips that can help to deal with constipation very effectively.

A large number of people choose over-the-counter medicine to treat constipation as they work faster than others. There are two types of over-the-counter medicines, stool softeners and laxatives. While the softeners soften the stool and make bowel movement easy, laxatives make it easy on the body to push out the stool.

Another way to treat constipation is with help of colon cleansing supplements and they make passage of stool easy.

Fruits and vegetables are very easy and natural ways to get rid of constipation. They contain large amounts of water and fiber and help to ease constipation. Apples, berries, carrots, oranges and bananas are great fruits that help to prevent constipation.

Mineral oil and other oils are also very good as constipation remedies. Mineral oil lubricates the digestive tract and also softens stool. When you use them, simply take a small dose of the oil early in the morning.  You can also take in one tablespoon of oil with milk to prevent constipation.

Drink plenty of water as it will also help to get rid of constipation. Water keeps the body hydrated and makes the bowel movement easy. At least 8 glasses of water should be taken in every day to stay healthy.

The natural remedies for constipation help to alleviate this condition and result in smooth and pair free bowel movement for a healthy body and mind.


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