Friday 15 May 2015

Beauty Secrets Every Woman Should Know

Every woman want to make herself complete in any matter, whether it’s the beauty, stylish dressing or the personality to survive this world.To have this they can spend a fortune and try every beauty secrets they know.
To follow Beauty Secrets is not wrong but try to make sure that these Beauty Secrets do not harm your skin.

Here are some Beauty Secrets That Help Your Skin

Honey and Tea Water Face Mask

Take 1 cup of tea cool water and enhance 2 Tbsp. of rice flour with ½ teaspoon of honey. Merge them well and smear it on face almost 15 minute, knead your face in round gesture before tint the face. Honey is a decent cause of moisturizer and rice flour works for scrub.


Smear honey on lips daily for 15 minutes. Honey covers anti-bacterial and anti-fungal possessions that can indulgence lip allergies while moisture will keep it lenient and lovely.
Beauty Secrets Using Honey

Oats and Lemon Face Pack:

Take 1 tbsp. of pounded and cooked oats with 1 tbsp. of lemon juice. Make an adhesive and smear it on your face by altering then leave it for 15 minutes. Once it dries tint it thoroughly. It is one of the best beauty secrets.

Olive Oil:

Olive oil is ironic in vitamin E and anti-oxidants which can be used to delicacy skin contagions. Smear this oil to lips before sleep and consent it for the whole night. Sponge it with cold water in the morning.


Make your own homemade facial scrub by means of rice or oat flour. By facial scrub treatment, you are not only removing the current filth and dirt but also getting rid of skin oiliness that origin the formation of different diseases.

Use Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera gel is the excellent for removing oils and dead cells from skin. This gel has anti-oxidants that failures crinkles on face and humidity that brands skin soft and supple. Knead this gel to your face for 10 minutes and then wash-down it. It will make your skin admirable and fair.

Use Cocoa & Milk Face Mask:

This is one the finest beauty secrets that you can use. Milk shields natural lactic acid to help become calmer and skin off the dead cell of the skin. Merge both of them to form a paste and then slur to wet skin. Assent on for 5 to 10 minutes and clean off with warm water. Many professionals consider it one of the best beauty secret for girls.


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