Thursday 7 May 2015

Teeth Caring Tips

Healthy teeth tips:

The gums are swollen, discolored dark and always bleeds again? The bad breath can no longer be after? The teeth feel kind of loose? These complaints should never wait and hope that they will disappear, but can be examined by a dentist.

To thoroughly brush your teeth twice a day, is the alpha and omega of a careful oral hygiene. Before going to bed should be particularly thoroughly – to be cleaned – at least 3 minutes.

For proper dental care is not only crucial, as is often how long and cleaned, but also who tampered with paste and brush.

> Some useful and important teeth care tips for men women and children’s healthy teeth. If you want healthy and white teeth then fallow these healthy teeth tips.

1. Twice a day, morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner, brushing is required. In this case with a soft toothbrush and brush up and down movements at least 2 and 1/2 minutes on the tooth surfaces.

2. The toothpaste should change as often as possible – bacteria in the mouth can otherwise get used to the variety and multiply quickly despite adequate dental hygiene.

3. The toothbrush should be after brushing, rinse well and go at least every 3 months. Rinse mouth with a mouth rinse after brushing.

4. At least once a day, ideally clean evening after brushing, between teeth with dental floss. Take once or twice a year a professional oral hygiene services.

5. Teeth should be cleaned before eating! To prevent tooth decay, the pads must be removed – and these pads are basically composed of nothing more than bacteria.

6. Whitening toothpastes contain bleach. Who uses highly concentrated bleach every day, while getting white teeth, but at the same time damaging the tooth substance.


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