Sunday 17 May 2015


Diabetes is a common disease and every 7th person is suffer in this disease. This is hereditary diseases and can be transfers from parents to their children.

There are two common types of disease.

Diabetes type 1
Diabetes type 2

Here we tell you about diabetes, types, symptoms and causes in English and also in Urdu.

Under the diagnosis of “disease”, also colloquially referred to as “sugar disease” refers to a metabolic disorder in which the pancreas too little or no insulin produced.


“Diabetes Mellitus” is classified into two major types. We speak of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The difference from a medical point of view is that in type 1, the body’s production of insulin has come to a complete standstill and in type 2 diabetes, the body only insufficiently on the body’s insulin response (known as insulin resistance).

Type 1 diabetes:

type 1 diabetesBecause the disease usually before age of 40 begins, one also speaks of “juvenile diabetes“. Since the body’s own insulin production is stopped completely, the cells can no longer absorb glucose.

The cause is attributed to an autoimmune disease, a disorder that can be falsely recognized at the major endogenous antigens by the immune system as “foreign”.

This in turn triggers an autoimmune reaction, which is directed against the insulin producing cells. The vital insulin must be replaced in any case.


Type 1 occurs in adolescents and young adults, who are usually thin or even underweight. The following symptoms indicate a severely elevated blood sugar levels ( hyperglycemia out):

1. Fatigue, lack of drive or Frequent urination.
2. Increased thirst and Dry skin and itching.
3. Poorly healing wounds or unintended weight loss.
4. Infections of the genital organs.
5. Weight loss or Sweet taste in mouth
6. Urinary tract infections.

Type 2 diabetes:

Type 2 diabetesIn this form of disease is commonly known as “adult diabetes” because most people are older than 50 years.

In over 90% of people with diabetes is “type 2“. In the most obese person concerned is a relative insulin deficiency. That is, it is still the body’s own insulin production, but not in the required amount.

The reasons for this are, for example, family history, but also obesity and lack of exercise. An insulin replacement may be necessary.


The “type 2” often tends to be overweight. Since there are no specific symptoms for years, the disease is often just “random“, for example, detected during a routine examination. Possible symptoms of “type 2″ may include:

1. Fatigue, lack of drive and Frequent urination
2. Increased thirst or dry skin.
3. Blurred vision
4. Poorly healing wounds or Numbness in hands and feet.

In the later stages of the disease may be added following concomitant diseases and complications may:

1. High blood pressure
2. Vascular
3. Sexual problems

4. Diseases of the eyes, kidneys and nerves.


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