Thursday 7 May 2015

Cigarette Smoking

Standard Cigarette Smoking VS Electronic Cigarette – Choose the Low-Tar One:

Cigarette causes mouth cancer and other related diseases. The new electronic cigarette is has the same smoking hazards as the other Cigarettes has. Scientists have been doing experiments on the low-tar Cigarettes and low nicotine Cigarette but the amount of carbon di-oxide inhaled in lungs can not be reduced.

Smoking Hazards – Disadvantages of Smoking:

According to Group action on smoking we are familiar of the negative side effects of smoking and disadvantages of smoking then this new electronic cigarette is the only way to attract people towards smoking. Cigarette smoke causes cancer and Cigarette smoking has also health hazards like renal function impairment, artery blockage and lungs failure.

In this Urdu article you will read about effects of smoking on health and how electronic Cigarettes has same health hazards same as normal Cigarettes. Smokers will not get more addiction towards real smoking.


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