Wednesday 19 August 2015

The One Yogurt You Should Skip

Superfood? Not so fast

Yogurt’s moment as the ultimate health food is still going strong. Case in point: A recent study of more than 6,500 men and women, published in Nutrition Research, found that people who ate more than two servings of yogurt a week had better overall diets, consuming more potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins B2 and B12. They were also healthier overall, with lower levels of triglycerides and lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate yogurt less often.

Yogurt eaters also have more nutritious eating habits: The study found that they tend to consume fewer calories from processed meat, refined grains, and beer, and more produce, nuts, fish, and whole grains than yogurt-skippers.

“But even after accounting for the healthier diets of yogurt consumers, we found that eating yogurt itself leads to a healthier diet because it supplies three nutrients that many Americans don’t get enough of: potassium, calcium, and vitamin B12,” says study co-author Paul Jacques, DSc, director of the Nutritional Epidemiology Laboratory at Tufts University.

We know your grocery store is stocked to the gills with options, so here’s how to make a smart pick:

First, avoid the yogurts that are akin to “flavored milk jellos,” as registered dietitian Alexandra Caspero, owner of nutrition website, calls them. Check out the ingredient label—yogurt should basically contain cultured milk and cultures (including GI-healthy probiotics like S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, and L. Acidophilus).

Prefer Greek yogurt over the traditional kind? Either is fine. Aside from the differences in protein (per cup: over 20 grams in plain Greek versus 10 grams in regular), you’ll be getting the same nutrients and probiotics. “There’s nothing ‘magical’ about Greek yogurt, although more protein can aid in satiety,” Caspero says. Here are Caspero’s top yogurt picks:

Oikos 0% Vanilla Greek Yogurt. Yes, it’s flavored, but with organic sugar and no added colors or flavors, this is a solid pick for 170 calories and 22 grams of protein per cup.

Stonyfield Fat-Free Plain Yogurt. “With 10 grams of protein and 110 calories per cup, this is a good choice to add into smoothies, oatmeal, or cereal with a tiny drizzle of honey or maple syrup,” Caspero says.

So Delicious Dairy-Free Cultured Almond Milk Greek Style. Great for anyone who can't tolerate dairy. “Though almond milk is traditionally lower in protein, this yogurt is pumped up with pea protein for 7 grams per container and only 140 calories," Caspero says.


Unknown said...

very nice thank you

Unknown said...

very nice thank you

Unknown said...

very nice thank you

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