Sunday 31 May 2015

The Secret Benefits Of Beards

Sometimes men like clean shave and sometimes they prefer beards. Beards have become fashion statement for men. Up to now you had beard as a fashion now I tell you some good reasons to take a break from your razor. Beside fashionable looks, beards have a number of secret benefits. The number one fact is that it speeds up your morning routine and save your time.

You don’t have to spend your time in cleaning your shave. Research also has revealed that growing a beard is the key to keeping you look younger and fresh, cancer free and naturally moisturized. I have listed some secrets benefits of beards that will surely be the cause of your beneficial fashion statement.

1. Blemish free skin:

Beards keeps your skin blemish free. The usage of razor cannot hide your blemishes of skin from your face. The shaving also sometimes becomes the cause of acne, rashes, blemishes and hair follicle inflammation. Razor can irritate your skin and or even spread bacteria which also cause infection of the hair follicle.

2. Shows masculinity:

Beards also show a man’s masculinity. It is regarded a catchy ingredient to impress the opposite sex. The people who want to impress opposite sex must have beard. Forget about little nicks and cuts on your face caused by regular shaving and keep your skin great.

3. Produce natural moisture:

Your face has its own inbuilt mechanism of producing moisture. It is called sebaceous glands which are produced by hair on your face. This natural oil secretes by hair of beard keeps your skin moisturized. A beard on your face protects your face from wind exposure which can result in redness and dryness.

4. Protection from sun rays:

Beard on face protects your face from sun rays. It has been scientifically proved. According to recent research conducted in the University of Southern Queensland, beards are helpful in blocking up at least 90 percent of the sun’s UV rays.

This will not only protect your face from harmful rays of the sun but also play a huge role in preventing basal cell carcinomas which is the most common type of all cancers. In the four out of five men, visible aging symptoms in men appear on neck, face and head. So beard will keep bottom half of your face looking young.

5. Shelter from cold:

In winters, beard will keep you warm and actually help you in coping up with cold as well. The longer your beard will be; you will get better insulation.

6. Reduce bacterial infection:

Beards prevents your face from bacterial infections, ingrowths and folliculitis (infection of the hair follicles which cause spots). The chances of these infections are more frequent as a result of hazards of regular shaving.

Besides all these benefits, beards are also reflects the power, strength, success and feeling of strong love and strong mental power of a man. So stop shaving and start growing your beard. Don’t be afraid of other’s reaction regarding your beard. To have a better beard, do not shave at all for at least the first four weeks of the beard. Once it grows well after four weeks, you can start shaping your beard. And if it looks over long, you can trim it down to a smaller size later.

Can Cardio Workouts Ward Off Cancer ?

A Run Today Keeps Cancer Away, Science says!

If you're on the fence about hitting spin class today, science makes a convincing case for not skipping. People who do vigorous exercise are up to 30 percent less likely to get non-Hodgkins lymphoma than those who exercise lightly or not at all, reports a new study in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Even better, the study suggests that the protective benefit of a good sweat sesh now will continue throughout your lifetime. (Exercise by the Numbers: 12 Reasons to Get Moving.)

The researchers asked over 800 cancer patients and healthy individuals to look back at each decade of their lives and report how much exercise they did and how intense it was. Participants ranked their intensity as light (such as walking), moderate (like lifting weights or jogging) and vigorous (like sprinting). The results showed a clear link between people who performed any type of exercise and lower instances of cancer. And the more intense the reported exercise, the greater the reduction in cancer—those who did the most vigorous exercise were 30 percent less likely to develop lymphoma.

This is great news considering non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is one of the most common cancers, making up about four percent of all diagnoses, says the American Cancer Society. The disease attacks the lymphatic system and can then spread quickly to others parts of the body—one reason why it has a fatality rate of nearly 30 percent. The lymphatic system functions as the filter of the body by removing toxins from the blood, and previous research has shown that exercise improves lymphatic function, thereby keeping them cancer-free. So think of those HIIT classes you're sweating through now as your armor against future cancer. (Try a Home Workout Routine: Low-Impact HIIT.)

And the protective benefits of working out continue even if you do get cancer. A separate study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, found that moderate exercise like fast walking or slow jogging helped cancer patients respond better to their chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and even ameliorated some of the side effects like low blood count and fatigue. Low-intensity exercise was even found to help make tumors less aggressive by flooding them with oxygen. (Why It's Okay to Work Out at a Lower Intensity).

"An intervention like exercise has almost universally positive side effects versus other treatments that can have deleterious side effects," says lead study author Brad Behnke, Ph.D., an associate professor of exercise physiology at the University of Florida. "Exercise is a type of therapy that benefits multiple systems in the body, and may permanently alter the environment within the tumor."

Anyone who's ever had a long, stressful day knows how easy it is to come up with reasons to flake on your workout (ahem, who hasn't used one of these 21 Hilarious Ways to Justify Skipping the Gym?), but these new studies offer a powerful reason to hit the gym anyhow. Cardio today keeps cancer away? Okay, it might not end up on any bumper stickers any time soon, but we like it. Now go reserve that bike!

Healthy Food: Garlic

Why It's Healthy:

Garlic is a powerful disease fighter that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, including E. coli.

Allicin, a compound found in garlic, works as a potent anti-inflammatory and has been shown to help lower cholesterol and blood-pressure levels.

Quick Tip:

Crushed fresh garlic releases the most allicin. Just don't overcook; garlic exposed to high heat for more than 10 minutes loses important nutrients.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Treadmill Mistakes That Mess With Your Workout

Treadmill offers you a great workout without going outside the home. Sometimes it is impossible for runners to go outside due to cold weather or any other reason. At that time, treadmill works as their best friend.

Some people make mistakes while run on treadmill and mess their workout. They make many blunders and don’t even know about the mistakes they make. You must know about the blunders you make while hit treadmill. Avoid these mistakes and get effective consequences of your workout on treadmill.


It is not possible to run without holding the rails of treadmill. Holding treadmill’s rails seems like safety measures but your workout will suffer. When you hold rails, you are not using your legs to hold your weight up. Arms are key to great workout. If you are not using your legs for running by holding rails of treadmill, your heart beat rate is not getting up.

This way, the chance of burning of calories also decreases and your workout will not offer you desired results. This can be the biggest mistake to hold on rails of treadmill while running. Try to keep the speed minimum on which you don’t have to hold rails of treadmill until you get expert.


Running on treadmill does not mean just walk on it. You have to push yourself on treadmill. You will not get desired result of workout until your heart rate is high and heart beat rate can also be increase when you do effort to push yourself. Just walking casually on treadmill is not enough.


One of biggest mistakes you make on treadmill is less or no concentration on workout. Don’t concentrate on music or your favorite TV show while running. The TV in front of you in home is easy to lose track of your intensity and pace as your attention diverts. Instead of focusing on exercise and really being present, you would not achieve scoring benefits. If you are zoning out, you are doing blunders with your workout by increasing incline.


Variations are necessary in everything. Same task daily does not give effective results. So make changes by making differences in intensity, speed and incline. You can make changes by trying a longer and slower run one day and shorter and faster run on other day.

Warm up

People forget warm up before and after running on treadmill. Sometimes, you just hop on treadmill by skipping warm ups. Warm ups are very necessary to prepare body to run. Skipping warm up can lead to injuries and pains.  To do warm up, you don’t need to spend lot of time and passive stretch. Spend five to seven minutes before and after running. Warm up can include toe touches, hip circles and many others.


Proper walking posture for treadmill is upright. Leaning forward and backward are not right posture for walking. To get you in right posture, first step on non moving treadmill and tuck in your butt. Tilt your pelvis slightly forward. Feel good and straight. Don’t bend your body. Every time keep a check on your posture when change your pace and incline.

Friday 29 May 2015

3 Best Anti Aging tips to Prevent and Treat of Skin Aging

Do you want to know the prevention and treatment of skin aging? Are you suffering from the skin aging issues? Do you sometimes feel that your skin aging is making you feel disconnected from the whole world? Well we all know that skin aging is one of the common problems among the women of all age groups. Skin aging is all about the appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles that let the women feel older than their actual age.

Excellent and Best Treatment of Skin Aging:

1. Pearl Powder:

On the very first we have the treatment of pearl powder! We all know that women make the use of pearls that are to be worn on top of the neck and ears. But some of the women are not aware from the fact that you can even make the use of pearls that is used as a treatment for aging skin. Nacre that is even known as Mother of Pearl is enriched with the high amount of calcium and conchiolin.

This is basically defined as the type of Keratin protein. Keratin is even used as best in favor of the body regenerating collagen, hair and nails. It will make the skin elastic that will make it glowing and flawless looking. Some of the people even make the use of pearl powder to their drinks.

2. Chocolate:

On the second we have the chocolate treatment that is used for the cure of skin aging. You will even going to find many spas and skin care center that make the use of chocolate for the face massage. It is made up of cocoa. Cocoa is filled with the high amount of flavanols and antioxidants. 3 Best Anti Aging Tips for WomenbFlavanols are helpful to make the make skin softer and smoother. It will going to be helpful in speeding up the aging process of the skin that keep the skin all away from the removal of free ranging radicals.

3. Silk:

Silk contains high level of copper in it. This copper later gets mixed with the peptides that are present inside the body for the production of the copper peptides. Copper peptides will going to boost up the production of collagen. You can even make the use of the silk pillow cases that will going to keep the skin all away from the facial wrinkles.3 Simple Anti Aging Tips To Look Younger

Hence above all there are many other treatments as well that you can use in favor of the skin aging treatments. You can find with the moisturizer that contains Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Manuka honey. They will going to help you in making the skin elastic and smooth. It is rich in sources of vitamins and minerals that give the healthy and youthful effect to the skin.Top 7 Tips to Prevent and Repair Aging

So these were some of the main and important treatments with the help of which you can get some control over the skin aging! Now if you are affected from the skin aging problems then you should start following the above mentioned treatments right now. In just one month you will going to find the magical results in the skin freshness.

Healthy Food: Avocados

Why They're Healthy:

Rich in healthy, satisfying fats proven in one study to lower cholesterol by about 22 percent.

One has more than half the fiber and 40 percent of the folate you need daily, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.

Quick Tip:

Adding it to your salad can increase the absorption of key nutrients like beta-carotene by three to five times compared with salads without this super-food.


Piles one of the most common diseases. There is no suffering that occurs only in old age. Starting at the early age are very common.

On my site you will find lots of information about piles, tips how to get rid and what are the piles symptoms.

Hundreds of thousands of people are concerned, I will help you with this page, get rid of piles so you will get your old life.


The term piles is often equated in the parlance of the hemorrhoids. The terminology “hemorrhoid” is derived from the ancient Greek words for “blood” and “flow” from.

Swelling of blood vessels around a vessel pad which is to be found in any healthy people in the region of the lower rectum is called as hemorrhoid.


Possible piles causes are manifold and are controversial issues in science. But factors such as frequent sitting, obesity, a faulty diet favoring affect hemorrhoidal enlargements or reductions.


Itching around the anus as a symptom of piles. Other possible symptoms include, For example, foreign body feelings and oozing around the anus as well as painless bleeding during bowel elimination.


A pathological enlargement of hemorrhoids in a patient designed symptom free, as is a medical treatment not necessary in every case.

However, if a therapy aimed at, this is based primarily on disease severity and extent, treatment goals, and general health condition of a patient.

Surgical treatment:

During this procedure, a removal of enlarged portions of a Hamorrhoidal polsters. A subsequent healing process extends in most patients over a number of weeks.

The hemorrhoidectomy primarily for surgical control of 4th degree hemorrhoids used is usually accompanied by a multi-day inpatient hospital stay.

Home remedies:

1. To avoid skin irritation in the anal area or relieve, experts suggest, for example, to place great emphasis on the intimate hygiene.

After a toileting the after should not be cleaned with a dry, but with moist toilet paper beyond.

2. Also, adequate fluid intake is a frequent contributor to relieve hemorrhoidal pain, as this a soft stool consistency is encouraged.

3. Among other things, a regular application of calendula cream, castor oil or tea tree oil (also mashed banana and cottage cheese may be suitable for application) as well as sitz baths in chamomile tea or oak bark extract.

Experts also recommend a regular training of the sphincter by repeated short-term tightening the glutes for piles patients.

9 of the Hardest and Best Exercises from Real Trainers

9 Hard Moves Trainers Love to Hate

No matter how much of a gym rat you are, there are a few moves you just hate doing. Think: squat variations that burn more than you ever thought possible, tricep moves that make your arms feel like they’re going to fall off, or sprint drills you genuinely think will cause you to pass out. And no one knows this feeling better than the people barking at you to churn out one more.

Trainers know better than anyone that the pain will be worth the pay off. (Proof: The Top 50 Hottest Trainers in America.) So we asked some of our favorite trainers what moves even they love to hate. And while that makes this a list of seriously hard moves, it’s also a list of exercises that guarantee serious results. So grit your teeth and dig in to these 9 moves that challenge even the fittest of the fit.

Prisoner Get Ups

This exercise fires up your whole core while activating the entire chain of muscles in your back—especially your lower back. And that’s all while working on your balance and agility. 

How to do it: Lie flat on your back with hands placed behind head, elbows outwards. Knees are touching floor with feet crossed, like in a sitting cross-legged position. Using lower ab muscles, bring torso forward until the heels of feet are close to your butt. With your hands behind your head, hinge at your hips to get up off the floor and stand up straight in one swift motion, without using your hands just your legs. (Need to modify? Place your hands on the ground to help assist when lifting off of the floor.)


This is a great move to target all the muscles of your torso, and, depending on your position, also your shoulders. Start with your feet in a TRX or on valslides (or even with your feet over a foam roller!), and progress to a stability ball for more of a challenge. 

How to do it: With feet in TRX straps or on valslides, get into a forearm plank, elbows beneath shoulders. Engage core and, keeping forearms perfectly still, begin to move hips backward. Shoulders are moving away from wrists and elbows are in front of body, all while maintaining a straight line from ears to ankles. Don’t go so far back as to feel your low back kick in. Saw back to starting position.

Dumbell Thruster

This is a great, explosive movement with core stabilization throughout to challenge your whole body. It helps to improve shoulder and hip flexibility, gets your blood flowing and builds strength. (Want more flexibility? Try these Yoga for People Who Can't Touch Their Toes.)

How to do it: Hold a pair of dumbbells at the top of a bicep curl (elbows bent, weights right in front of face). Squat to full depth. As you come up, press dumbbells overhead so at the top of the movement you are standing tall, arms fully extended over shoulders, squeezing quads, glutes, and abs. Descend back down to full squat while simultaneously lowering dumbbells back, so that at the bottom of your squat the dumbbells have returned to the starting position.

Dumbbell Lateral Lunge

Lunges generally mean work because of their dynamic nature, recruitment of the most powerful muscles (glutes, core and entire leg), and challenge to stability with their asymmetrical demands. Changing the orientation of that lunge to the side engages the other muscles in your glute more than a typical squat or forward lunge would, helping to better shape that bum and improve hip mobility and stability. (Want to make it harder? Add a dumbbell to further engage the core and make this primarily lower body exercise into a total body movement.) 

How to do it: Standing upright, step to the right with right foot, keeping toes forward and feet flat. Squat through right hip while keeping left leg straight. Squat as low as possible, holding this position for 2 seconds. Push back to the starting position and repeat to the opposite side.

Pistol Squat Get Ups

This exercise targets your quadriceps. It also activates your core and just about every other muscle in your lower body, including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves. 

How to do it: Balance on left leg. Hold right leg out in front so heel is just off the floor. Using leg strength and balance, start to lower into a squat, keeping right heel just above the floor the entire time. Keep hands out in front of body to help balance. Squat down until hamstring touches your calf, then release butt to floor. Lay flat on back with left knee bent and right leg straight. Hinge forward with some momentum, using hands to help push up back into the pistol squat then stand tall. Switch legs and repeat.

Lateral Step-Ups with Medicine Ball

The key benefit of this dynamic, strength-training and heart-pumping variation of step-ups is that it’s performed in a natural movement, which helps you avoid injuries. The continual stepping up and down means that a range of lower body muscles are engaged: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, ab muscles, and lower back muscles, as well as biceps from holding a medicine ball or hand weights. Want to make it harder? Raise the height of the step or the weight you carry. (Use this tool more! Medicine Ball Workout: 9 Moves to Tone Every Inch.)

How to do it: Stand on left side of a bench, parallel to it, holding the medicine ball or hand weights close to your chest. Lean slightly forward and lift right leg onto bench. Lift left leg up to meet the right and immediately move right leg to the floor on the other side. Remember to extend landing leg as far out from the bench as possible to feel the burn in your quads and glutes. With left leg still on the bench, move right leg up to meet it. Now the left leg moves to the floor, while the right remains on the bench.

One Arm Kettlebell Press

This move requires completely activates your hip, torso, and shoulders. It integrates stability throughout the core with shoulder mobility, as it works through a full range of motion of these muscles. When done correctly, you’ll feel this almost more in your torso than you will in your shoulder, giving a great secondary ab burn. It can be very easily progressed or regressed by simply changing the weight. (If you don’t have kettlebells, you can try this with a dumbbell.) (Want more kettlebells? Check out this 20-Minute Fat-Burning Kettlebell Workout.)

How to do it: Place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand with kettlebell in front of right foot. Push your hips back and grab the kettlebell with risk hand so your palms are facing your body. Keep your butt down and your arms fully extended. Keeping your core tight, drive through your heels to lift the kettlebell while keeping your chest tall. Once the weight passes your knees, explosively extend the ankles, knees, and hips. As the kettlebell rises, shrug your shoulders and continue to lift the weight, keeping it as close to your body as possible. Bring the kettlebell to your right shoulder, with your right elbow pointed directly at the floor, rotating your wrist as you do so, so that the palm faces inward. This is a kettlebell clean. Look at the kettlebell and press it up and out until it is locked out overhead, rotating your arm so your wrist faces away from your body. Make sure that your torso remains upright as you press the Kettlebell overhead, restricting any backward extension of the torso. Lower the kettlebell back to your shoulder under control, and repeat.

Lunge Jumps + Standing Lunge Hold

Hard? Yes! Effective? Yes! This lower body combo will have your glutes firing and your lower body feeling the burn! 

How to do it: Start in a split stance with your hands down, torso upright, and back knee bent at 90 degrees. Front knee is aligned with front heel. Explosively push off front foot, bringing lower body off the ground. While in mid-air, switch the positioning of feet. 
Allow back knee to bend as you land softly with opposite foot now forward. After 20, land softly in a split stance. With hands on hips and torso upright, lower hips by bending back knee to a 90 degree angle. The front knee should stay aligned with front heel, allowing majority of weight to drop through the heel of the foot that is forward. Hold that position for 30 seconds, then and hold that position for 30 seconds. Switch legs and hold lunge for another 30 seconds, then finish with one more set of lunge jumps.


One of the exercises I find most difficult are dead lifts because they challenge your body more than almost any other exercise, which in turn yields the best results. Not only is this a move that occurs in every day life (picking up your kids, for example), but it also helps to improve your muscle density and strength—and revs up your metabolism for weight loss. (This is a great move for people with knee problems. See more with 10 Knee-Friendly Lower-Body Toners.)

How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hinge at hips and lower chest to ground, grasping the barbell placed in front of shins. Explode up by pushing heels into the ground while thrusting hips forward. Maintain a flat back and tight core as you perform the exercise to avoid lower back injury. Pause at top, then lower barbell back to ground and repeat.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Mens Hair Grooming for Party Season

Men Hairstyles:

Hello guys we are back with yet another hot topic of hairstyling but a bit disappointment for women because this time we have tried to cater to the needs of men. They always get overlooked by us. Don’t they? So men out there fasten your seat belts as right now you are under the spotlight. You people might assume why fuss about hairstyle but let me tell me as the clothes and accessories tells about the personality of the person so does hairstyle. 

As we all know the party season has arrived and our calendars are fully marked. The party might be of formal type with business colleagues, a hangout with long lost friends, a family reunion or just a casual stroll out with any partner you ought to give attention to your hair too along with selecting clothes. Obviously with the formal look in shirt and tie you don’t want to attend party with a messed up hair. We have collected some of the gorgeous hairstyling tips to help you out. 

Let’s begin with the most important occasion. Yes you guessed that right. Formal occasions! The very first tip is to always check the attire you are going to wear. Hairstyle should always complement it. Well there is a reason women spend most of their time doing hair then selecting clothes. Isn’t there? So going back, if you are wearing tuxedo or suit then you can choose from the three most popular formal hairstyles being the slicked back hair or the most loved side parting. You can definitely opt for side sweft quaff if you have long hair.

But one more important thing to remember is that only hairstyling won make the day for you. You need to grab some of the hairstyle products for finishing touch. You can apply some gel. It will give stationary look to your hair. The best thing about it is that no matter what texture you hair have curly, straight, or frizzy it goes perfectly with all of them and gives you prim and proper look. 

Now let’s move on to the next one. Artfully disheveled. You are up for some casual occasion or want to impress your date then this is a must hairstyle. Girls like a bit of messed up hair. Trust us! This windswept enhances the natural waves. The method is very easy. You just have to damp hair and twist small bunches of hair on the top of your head through your fingertips whilst pulling upward to get the hair. Using powder at roots would be helpful to give hair a thick look. Once hair gets dry, use a small amount of spray wax to mist. 

Short back and sides with length through the top is another hairstyle very popular among men. But you must adjust the cut according to the shape of face. If your face is slightly rounder or squarer then tightly clippered sides are best for you but if the face is longer than a low fade around the edges would just be fine. This hairstyle requires grooming routine so bear this is in mind before going for it.

Next comes in the top knot. Recently there was a huge trend of growing long hair and pulling it in knot. So here you have a choice to either take the back and sides extremely tight or just pull it up loosely. Without doubt this hairstyle gives effortlessly a very cool look.

What? No, certainly no. We are not done yet. You would be amazed at the number of hairstyles men could follow. It definitely outnumber the women hairstyle’s. 

The modern pompadour cannot be forgotten. This iconic style is a must try for David Beckham fans out there. It is a more flexible hairstyle and goes with every face cut and just keeping the sides short and tight while leaving length through the top will be fine with the hairstyle. 
So guys hope you would be happy with us now. And yes take great care of your hair by using conditioner and good shampoo. Embrace yourselves and go for a change, try something new this season and surprise your partners.

Abs Workout

 The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat:

We all want a toned, flat stomach. No surprise there. But since many women are still relying on crunches to get it, we want to make one thing clear: Crunching is not the most effective abs workout. "Crunches work only the muscles on the front and sides of your abdomen, but it's important to target all the muscles of the core to get more defined abs—including lower back, hips, and upper thighs," says Lou Schuler, co-author of The New Rules of Lifting for Abs.

To lose belly fat and uncover amazing abs, Schuler recommends a series of core stabilization exercises based on a training program devised by co-author and personal trainer Alwyn Cosgrove. "Core exercises like the plank help train muscles to stabilize the spine and pelvis so you can avoid back pain and improve posture, Schuler says. "They also burn more calories than crunches because they work more muscles."

Trade crunches for these three super-effective abs exercises from The New Rules of Lifting for Abs and you’ll be on your way to a perfectly toned, flatter tummy.

The Best Abs Exercises: Side Plank:

Why it works: This abs exercise is more challenging than a traditional plank because you're supporting your entire body weight on two points of contact instead of four. As a result, you must work your core harder to stay stabilized.

How to do it:

A. Lie on your left side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and legs stacked. Place your right hand on your left shoulder or on your right hip.

B. Brace your abs and lift your hips off the floor until you're balancing on your forearm and feet so that your body forms a diagonal line. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds. If you can’t hold that long, stay up as long as you can and then repeat until you’ve held for 30 seconds total. Switch sides and repeat.


In this disease individual body parts such as arms and legs, some muscles (such as the eye muscles) or the entire body are paralyzed they can not be moved.

This is the case when the nervous system or individual nerves are disturbed in their function. Doctors refer to a paralysis depending on the extent as,

Plegia:- complete paralysis of skeletal muscles.
Complete paralysis: (e.g including muscles of blood vessels)
Palsy:- loss of strength or partial paralysis.

Another form of disease is the Paraplegia. This can occur when the spinal cord is damaged. Depending on the location and extent of damage hemiparesis, hemiplegia, quadriplegia or may occur.


Sometimes disease occurs suddenly, For example after an accident, a herniated disc or in the so called idiopathic facial palsy, of unknown cause. Depending on the cause and treatment may be a paralysis again to return or remain.

There are also some diseases that can lead to slowly progressive paralysis, such as certain nervous diseases and muscle disorders (e.g, muscular dystrophy ). Among the more common causes of hemiparesis include, for example, Stroke, Brain tumor, inflammatory diseases of the brain.


At every sudden or new onset paralysis, a diagnosis by the doctor is particularly important because a serious illness (e.g, stroke ), not must be based on, but it could.

The doctor first few questions, such as when the disease has occurred if there was a specific triggering event (such as an accident or injury), if further complaints are made, whether pre existing conditions are known (e.g, atherosclerosis , diabetes mellitus), and whether drugs are taken.

It usually followed by a physical examination, a blood test and a thorough neurological examination in which the doctor examines include the ability to move, muscle strength, reflexes, and the sensual feelings.


Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Paralysis can take a very different course.

Thus forms in most cases, a facial palsy (facial paralysis) of unknown cause within 3 weeks to 6 months of self back. Are nerve and muscle inflammation caused by infections cause of the paralysis might be deemed as a therapeutic antibiotics or virus inflammatory drugs necessary.

Disease caused by a brain tumor was caused may, under certain circumstances after a successful surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment of the tumor to regress again.

In many neurological diseases paralysis is irreversible, however. This means that the nerve is permanently withdrawn from work and thus remains the disease.

Healthy Food: Walnuts

Why They're Healthy:

Contain the most omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce cholesterol, of all nuts.

Omega-3s have been shown to improve mood and fight cancer; they may protect against sun damage, too (but don't skip the SPF!).

Quick Tip:

Eat a few for dessert: The antioxidant melatonin, found in walnuts, helps to regulate sleep.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Anti Wrinkle Home Remedies

A prefect anti wrinkles home remedy, with amazing effect, with out any side effect. you can make a facial mask at home for skin wrinkles treatment. With the some cheap ingredients, you can make a facial mask at home for wrinkles free skin.

1: Mix honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice to give your protein from egg to this mixture and apply on the skin. Leave an hour to 20 minutes, then rinse

2: Massage every night something ginger oil into the skin around the eyes. Tap several times a day gently with your fingertips, the skin under the eyes.

3: Cut a slice from an apple and set it for 15 minutes on the closed eyes. The fruit of the apple acidity tightens the tissue. And you drink 2 1 / 2 liters of still mineral water.

How to Lower Cholesterol: Eat Some Cheese

For a Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry study, Danish researchers compared urine and fecal samples from 15 healthy men whose diets either contained cheese or milk, or who ate a control diet with butter but no other dairy products. They found that those who consumed cheese had higher fecal levels of butyrate, a compound produced by gut bacteria. So what? Elevated butyrate levels have been linked to reduced cholesterol, which may explain why the French are able to eat so much fromage without suffering the consequences of heart disease.

Healthy Food: Salmon

Why It's Healthy:

A great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a reduced risk of depression, heart disease, and cancer.

A 3-ounce serving contains almost 50 percent of your daily dose of niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.

Quick Tip:

Opt for wild over farm-raised, which contains 16 times as much toxic polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) as wild salmon.

Crucial Exercises: Bodyweight Pull-Up Variations

1. Bodyweight Pull-up Variations:

One particular exercise a significant proportion of the adult population simply cannot perform is the bodyweight pull-up. If you fall into this category, we’re set to break down the exercise variations available to you so that you can build up your strength in order to complete this particular exercise successfully.

The pull-up itself is a phenomenal exercise for developing both strength and size throughout the upper body. The specific muscles targeted ultimately depend on your grip. An additional bonus in relation to the pull-up is that you need very little in terms of special equipment; all that is required is an overhead bar capable of supporting your bodyweight.

As with most exercises, there are multiple variations of the pull-up that you can perform. Two which are commonly utilized within a gym setting.

2. Wide, Overhand Grip Pull-up:

The first variation of the exercise involves using a wide, overhand grip.

If this particular grip is selected, the large upper back muscle known as the latissimus dorsi takes the majority of the stresses and strains brought about by the exercise. This muscle is responsible for creating the desirable ‘V’-shaped upper body.

Also recruited; but to a lesser extent; are the muscles located within the shoulder and arm region.


To complete this exercise you will require an overhead bar.

Grasp this overhead bar with wide, overhand grip.

Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar.

At the peak, lower your body until your arms and shoulders are fully extended.

This is one repetition. Repeat as required until desirable numbers are achieved.

3. Narrow, Underhand Grip Pull-up:

The alternative to the wide, overhand grip is that of the narrow, underhand grip. Simply by altering your grip positioning, you are completely changing the dynamics and emphasis of the entire exercise. In this alternative position, there is a much greater emphasis placed upon the biceps and forearms region.

4. Bodyweight Pull-ups for Beginners:

Regardless of the bodyweight pull-up variation selected, your core muscles will also be recruited throughout. They aim to lock the core and provide you and your physique with a level of stability. Ultimately, this will prevent any unwanted movements and lateral swaying while you execute the exercise.

One of the major issues with bodyweight pull-ups is that they can appear a little overwhelming and daunting to a large proportion of gym users. Can you successfully complete pull-ups maintaining a good technique throughout? If the answer is no, the next section will consider how you can build up to a full pull-up.

In order to successfully complete a bodyweight pull-up; whether it be a wide, overhand grip or narrow, underhand grip; you require adequate strength in the active target muscles. Any exercises that target the back and arm region (respectively) should allow you to develop the necessary strength to be able to do this.

5. Weight Assisted Pull-Up Machine:

This piece of equipment is now commonly available in most gyms, so look around or ask a member of staff whether this equipment is available to you. These machines allow you to perform the required pull-up techniques while only demanding a percentage of your actual bodyweight to be moved. The machine moves the remaining bodyweight for you. Over a period of time this assistance can be gradually diminished until the requirement for the machine becomes redundant.

Final Word:

Throughout this article, consideration has been given to two commonly utilised exercise variations: the wide, overhand grip and narrow, underhand grip pull-ups. It was also noted that a significant proportion of the adult population struggle to complete a single repetition on each of these pull-up variations. For that reason we have chosen to include several methods by which to develop the necessary strength levels required to do so in the future.

Remember, everything in relation to the gym environment is a never ever journey; you will always be striving to do more in any given exercise. If at this stage of your heath and fitness journey you cannot complete a pull-up then don’t become disheartened, simply keep striving forwards until you reach the desired outcome.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Allergies Treatments & Relief

5 Ways to Put Allergies Behind You:

Feel like you've been sniffling and sneezing for months? No wonder. First the polar vortex spurred last spring's ridiculously high pollen counts, dubbed the "pollen vortex," making America's estimated 50 million (and steadily growing) nasal-allergy sufferers miserable. Now it's fall ragweed season, which the Environmental Protection Agency reports has grown longer due to climate change. Even worse: Research shows an astonishing 80 percent of people with nasal-allergy symptoms actually have some degree of year-round allergies. Cumulative exposure to allergens has sensitized them to indoor irritants, like dust mites, mold, and animal dander, resulting in chronic symptoms. If you're a seasonal sufferer, you're predisposed to cross to that dark side. "Adults with perennial allergies are among the most common cases I see these days," says Neeta Ogden, MD, an allergist in Hackensack, New Jersey, and a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

To find out if your allergies have settled in for the long term, check out these five surprising symptoms -- plus doctor-approved ways to banish them.

You look like you sparred in kickboxing class:

Under-eye bags big enough to tote your gym gear are no surprise after a sleepless night. But if you're well rested and sporting two full-on black eyes, you probably have what docs call "allergic shiners," courtesy of histamine, a chemical your body creates in response to allergens. "When histamine is released, blood vessels in the nose and face become 'leaky,' causing dark circles under the eyes and a bruised appearance," says Jordan Pritikin, MD, head of the Chicago Nasal & Sinus Center.

Feel better: Take an antihistamine and apply a washcloth soaked in cold water or a cloth-wrapped ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day to reduce the underlying inflammation, Dr. Pritikin says. The swelling and discoloration should fade within seven days but could return if your allergies flare up again. Pop your antihistamine as needed for prevention.

You've developed an odd new wrinkle.

Dubbed the "allergic crease," it's a light horizontal line across the lower half of your nose caused by constantly, and often unconsciously, rubbing it with your palm to relieve itching. "The allergic crease is a sign of long-standing nasal allergies," says Mark Holbreich, MD, an Indianapolis-based fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. The bad news: You can't get rid of it. Luckily, you can stop it from getting worse.

Feel better: Retire the "allergic salute" and use tissues to always blow, not wipe. Treating your symptoms with allergy meds, such as Nasacort Allergy 24HR, may help eliminate the irritation that drives you to rub in the first place.

Your. Head. Is. Killing. You:

Beyonce may wake up flawless, but you, my dear, rise to a brutal headache. "When allergies cause swelling in the nose and impair nasal breathing, the small openings to the sinuses may become blocked as well," Dr. Pritikin says. "Mucus and air trapped in these spaces can trigger pain in the forehead, between and behind the eyes or in the cheeks." These headaches are often misdiagnosed as migraines, but you'll know your agony is allergy-related if it's accompanied by congestion, the sensation that your ears are blocked or postnasal drip.

Feel better: Dr. Pritikin suggests popping an antihistamine-decongestant combo, such as Zyrtec-D, in the morning (it can cause insomnia). The "D" is for pseudoephedrine, which narrows the blood vessels in the nose to relieve pressure. Run a humidifier in your bedroom to soothe swollen nasal passages, but be sure to keep your home's humidity level between 30 and 45 percent. Any higher allows mold and dust mites to thrive and can make your symptoms worse.

You're itchy all over:

Blame histamine. "It irritates small nerve endings in the skin, triggering itching," Dr. Pritikin says. You don't even have to touch an allergen; the response can result from the same exposure that causes you to sneeze.

Feel better: A lotion specifically for itchy skin can provide all-over relief, Dr. Ogden says. We like Cetaphil RestoraDerm Skin Restoring Moisturizer. Take short warm showers, and use fragrance-free soap to minimize irritation. An OTC cortisone cream might help, but if that's not strong enough, Dr. Ogden suggests seeing your doc for a prescription steroid cream.

Everything tastes like sawdust:

Sunday dinner, a PB&J, spicy tuna rolls: all bland, thanks to your stuffed-up nose. Flavor is a combo of both taste and smell. "If the nose is congested due to allergic swelling, airflow into the upper part of it, where scent is detected, is reduced and sense of smell is affected," Dr. Pritikin says. People whose chronic inflammation has caused nasal polyps -- growths in the lining of the nose that can block the airway -- can lose the sense permanently.

Feel better: Use a saline nasal spray like those by Ocean to flush out your nose; research shows that doing so decreases allergy symptoms, including congestion. If that doesn't do the trick, see an allergist to be checked for polyps. If you have them, your doc may prescribe antibiotics, oral steroids or a steroid nasal spray to help restore your sense of smell.

Healthy Food: Potatoes

Why They're Healthy:

One red potato contains 66 micrograms of cell-building folate — about the same amount found in one cup of spinach or broccoli.

One sweet potato has almost eight times the amount of cancer-fighting and immune-boosting vitamin A you need daily.

Quick Tip:

Let your potato cool before eating. Research shows that doing so can help you burn close to 25 percent more fat after a meal, thanks to a fat-resistant starch.

How To Get Rid Of Cracked Heels Fast

There are so many people who literally think that no matter what they do they cannot have beautiful and classy feet and soft and delicate heels and that make them so tired and so hapless that they don’t even try now to get beautiful feet and beautiful heels, but I have something for you guys and you just need to give it a try and I bet and I assure you that you will see a magical difference and here are some tricks and tips for you.

First of all this is a trick that you can try and let me tell you first that it will work for sure, but try not to get used to of it and first of all you need to dip your feet in worm water for 20 minutes with mustered oil in it and then scrub off all the dead cells possible and then apply some petroleum jelly on and keep rubbing for 20 minutes and apply some shaving cream or some kind of foam and the take a new and sharp razor and remove all the foam off of your feet like you were shaving hair off your heels, but be very softly  and very carefully and then wash of your feet and wear some soaks with feet lotion, you can use this trick for a instant results and you will see some marvelous improvement and if you have few days to get beautiful and soft feet then you need to make a foot bath, put some litter water on fire with three K gs of turnip in it and cook it on very light heat for almost one hour and then put it in a tub and add some salt and some mustered oil in it and dip your feet when it is worm enough and give yourself one hour an then wipe it off with clean towel and apply some lotion and were a socks and you can do that one week regularly and then  three times a week.

10 Workout Secrets

Working out in today’s hard rock busy routine can be a hefty challenge. Keeping yourself fit and fine is crucial and keeping a lean and slim body is even more demanding. But most people struggle in finding the time and effort to work out and keep a healthy figure.  Here are some interesting secrets from fitness experts who have struggled themselves but have succeeded in maintaining a good shape and health.


Most fitness gurus exclaim that losing weight and keeping fit is more about being persistent at exercise than a one day crash routine. The main problem with most people is that they cannot keep up with their own diet plan or fitness routine. Either they lose interest or they find it hard to keep up the exercise in their daily routine. Unless or until you keep off of fatty food for a period of time and keep your daily workout routine consistent, your diet plans will have no effect.

Follow and effective routine:

Keep all your exercise courses synchronized and organized. Your workout plan should include strength training, internal training, cardio and running. Try and keep all such exercise that inculcates the use of your whole body.

Set realistic goals:

Manage only that much which you can handle. Don’t strive for perfection or something improbable. Keep it simple and goal oriented. Don’t worry if you haven’t reached the goal just yet. Just keep moving.

Tag a friend along:

Keeping a partner in your workout routine makes it a bit easier. You don’t feel like you’re working really hard. This way you can encourage one another and keep things persistent while enjoying each other’s company.

Make your plan applicable:

Decide on something that can fit in your daily routine. You don’t need to run to the gym every now and then and bear the hassle of taking out time. If you have a floor space with you, you can try out floor techniques. Aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, adding more reps and intensity as you build strength.

Be Happy:

Stress is a killer. Keep calm and content and choose something convenient. If you do not like some exercising routine, you can always change it. It’s better to up an activity that you actually enjoy doing. Try swimming if you live near a swimming area. Keep yourself happy and get on with it.

Watch the Clock:

Time management in anything holds great importance. You need to manage time to keep track of things. Don’t exert too much or too less. You need to keep track of your body clock too. Try and exercise when you’re the most energetic.

Call in the Experts:

You can’t do everything alone. Everybody needs help with something especially if you are a beginner, so it’s better to call in a fitness expert to discuss your body health every now and then.

Be patient:

Finally, remember that even if you follow all these tips, there will be ups and downs. Do not lose hope and don’t give up. You need to be very patient with everything. No one can lose weight in one day. One needs to be particularly patient when it comes to staying fit and slim.

Monday 25 May 2015

Healthy Food: Dark Chocolate

Why It's Healthy:

Just one-fourth of an ounce daily can reduce blood pressure in otherwise healthy individuals.

Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants shown to reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol and increase "good" HDL levels.

Quick Tip:

A dark chocolate bar contains about 53.5 milligrams of flavonoids; a milk chocolate bar has fewer than 14.

How To build Perfect Butts

Losing weight form the Butts are one of the most complicated and the most hardest thing cause for so many people that’s where fat deposit begins and when we want to lose weight, it is the last point of impact and in the struggle of losing fatty booty, we actually lose all the curves and all the good assets, no one likes that, then there suppose to be something that could actually help you losing weight and fat from butts without sabotaging your howl body frame and shape.

Here are some simple things that you can try to trim your waistline without losing your curvy figure.

Strength Training:

Normally woman avoid weight lifting, but lifting weight or strength training helps burn fat and you can actually design your program according to your own style or type and according to your own demand cause with weights you can actually control the parts and mescals and you can decide which part do you want to get the impact, you just need a good instructor and you will be happily curvy slim.


cardio is another thing that is very good for your body, you will lose weight but if you are working proper then you will lose weight form your lose body instead of your overall body, but, if you are hugely fatty then you should start with walks instead of running cause that will not only prove very harsh for your bones and joints too, just start with very intense walking for good 60 minutes without any break, and then keep increasing the time.

Combined Workouts:

Running on the treadmill for a significant amount of time burns fat, and body becomes extremely warm which is very great and now if you add some sort of crunches or dead lifts then you will get the double impact and you will notice some extremely weight lose within a week, normally fitness trainers don’t let people do that to avoid any injury, but if you being very careful then you can actually do that and it will help your fat and your weight, and if you want to get better results then you should add some Hip Focused Exercises and yoga posses for that.
Last but not least, watch your diet and stay focused and determined.


Phlegm is also known as “MUCUS“. Phlegm caused by an allergy or inflammation in the body. Allergy or infection in the body disturbs the throat, causing the development of sputum. Sputum is mucous material comes in yellow or green color, and the color will give you an indication of the type you have phlegm. There treat domestic sputum not only ridding the throat of phlegm.

Phlegm Treatment Tips:

Here we tell you homemade treatment tips through these homemade tips you can treat phlegm disease accurately.

1. One of the most effective home remedies in treatment of sputum. In the throat either drinking hot water with lemon or plain hot water only. You can also add 1 tsp honey to relieve cough and phlegm treatment. And drinking hot water Helps soothe the throat and get rid of phlegm and treatment, while the liquid in the water will help rid the body of cough infection.

2. The best way to remove and treatment of sputum of the throat is to inhale the steam. Drink hot soups, coffee, tea or juices along with that take steam for relief.

3. Onion and lemon juice together, combine juice with 1 cup boiling water. Add raw honey to taste and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Drink a full glass of juice in one sitting. Make this mixture 3 times a day for 2 to 3 days to eliminate phlegm.

4. Mix 2 tbsp honey with equal quantity of grape juice and take this process three times a day for 5 days. Grape juice as an expectorant to eliminate disease. Also hanging from the white pepper tea into a cup of honey and drink it twice a day for five days, you will find a difference in the case of cough and phlegm.

5. If you want to stop output and reduce phlegm, you can use a combination of licorice root, sweat and dry ginger, black pepper and sugar crystals. This is a good way to treat phlegm, but very effective. You have tsp of this mixture 3 times daily.

Best Facial Cleansers for Every Skin Type

Best Facial Cleansers:

Cleansers gently lift impurities, makeup and excess oil while helping to control blemishes and shine. Our naturally derived cleansers reach deep within the skin to remove dirt and oil, leaving skin of all types purified and refreshed.

Different types of cleansers have been developed for people with different skin types. Cleansers are more suitable for oily skins to prevent breakouts. Butt they may overlay and irritate dry skin, making the skin appear and feel worse. Very dry skin may require a creamy lotion type cleanser.

Some cleansers may incorporate fragrance or essential oil. When it comes to facial cleansers, there are as many to choose from as there are faces to be cleaned — creams, lotions, pads, soap bars, gels, scrubs and self-foaming cleansers all fill the shelves. Simple but sophisticated homemade facial cleansers are easy, cheap and effective

The legendary beauty Cleopatra’s famed milk baths made her skin soft and supple because milk contain alpha-hydroxyl acids(AHAs).

Alas such as those found in milk, lemon juice, vinegar, blackberries, grapes, oranges tomatoes and apple juice exfoliate the skin by dissolving the glue that holds dead skin cells together. They cleanse the top of skin, allowing the body’s natural emollient oils to reach the surface cells and helps moisturize and relieve dryness. They help cleans oily skin and remove black heads.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

10 Gym Mistakes to Avoid

Exercise is the most essential part of today’s life style. Without exercise and proper guy your body gets out of shape, your joins gets weak, your muscles get loosen up and your become more venerable to serious diseases like, blood pressure, heart attacks, arthritis etc. One cannot ignore the core benefits of workout, it not only keeps you mentally and physically fit but at the same time it increases your mortality rate. A sound and healthy body leads to a peaceful and blissful life.

Exercise does not require a lot of your life and effort. You just need a chunk of time out of your whole day in order to stay healthy. If you still do not get special time for workout try getting more active and get yourself involved me more healthy activates like doing the house hold chores yourself or taking stairs up instead of an elevator.

People who are more conscious about outlook and physical appearances join proper gym in order to get in shape. But before you join a gym there are few things that you need to closely consider and for those who have already joined it and are not satisfied with the results, they already make these mistakes while working out at gym, so these are the things you should avoid while working out.

1. Not Getting Proper Warm-Up:

Getting a proper warm up before starting a workout is the most important thing that most people over look as they do not give it any importance but a proper warm up is very important as it increases your recovery chances and makes your muscles healthier.

2. Gripping the Treadmill Rails:

Most of us find it easier to run on the treadmill while holding on to the tread mill rails but that is a wrong way as it decreases the amount of calories that should burnt while running, besides that there is a greater risk of getting an injury due to the use of improper form of the body. Do not hold the rails and incline forward, stand straight and firm as that is the right position for the body while doing tread mill.

3. Inappropriate Body Positions on Exercise Bicycle:

Sitting too high or too low on an exercise bicycle is a common mistake most people do. This can lead to back strains and injuries. It can also affect your leg veins leading to swear pains.

4. Not Maintaining the right weight on Weight Machines:

Weight machines are originally designed for men but gym instructors these days are making women adaptable to them as well. The mistake people make is the use of right amount of weight for your body. Too much weight can lead to serious injuries.

5. Wearing Improper Shoes to Gym:

Wearing the right type of shoes can save you from getting injured can provide you with a more fruitful result while working out. Do not wear shoes that are slippery.

6. Tucking Chin in Chest while doing Stomach Crunches:

People use the wrong ways of doing stomach crunches that is reason why they do not get proper weight loss that includes tucking your chin into your chest and not holding your breath properly while going backward.

7. Squat Lifting:

Avoid collapsing your knees while you squat as it can damage your ligaments. Try keeping your toes and knees in the same direction.

8. Use of a Single Machine:

Many people work out on a single machine and do not try to move on to another or a variety of workout machines. They prefer using the one they are good at which is wrong as it will stop making you lose more weight. Consult your trainer for proper advice.

9. Not Consulting a Proper Gym Trainer:

It is extremely important to consult a proper gym trainer before starting your workout as you do not know which machines and exercises are important for you. Use of wrong postures can lead to major injuries.

10. Empty Stomach:

In the urge of losing weight people avoid eating and they usually start workout with empty stomach which is very dangerous for your health. It makes your metabolism weak.

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