Thursday 5 November 2015

Women's Health & Fitness

Body Goals You Need 5 to Break Up With, Stat

A trainer lets you in on the ones you should be working toward instead.

As a personal trainer and strength coach who’s worked with hundreds of women over the past seven years, I get it: Getting fit can initially (and after the fourth or fifth attempt) seem really, really hard. You end up joining a gym with the best intentions to really “stick with it this time,” but inevitably your motivation fizzles and your goal of hitting the gym every day whittles down to three days a week, then once a week, and eventually you’re lucky if you get there once a month. Or year. 

Like I said, I get it. In every initial consultation, I’ll hear various reasons why a woman decided to walk through the doors of the gym. 

“I want to lose weight for my high school reunion.” 

“I want to have a lean physique like Cameron Diaz.” 

“I want to get ready for bikini season.”

Inspiration-based goals like these may get you to walk through the doors of a gym, but in the long run, likely won’t keep you there, because: (1) They don’t lead to a specific action, and (2) they aren’t any fun! 

Goals that are based on comparing yourself to someone else or that are rooted in self-loathing lack direction and are, inevitably, self-defeating. (Pssst: If you want to look like Cameron Diaz, you’ll have to be born as Cameron Diaz.) 

If you’re tired of experiencing the workout-related frustrations that inevitably follow goals like these, consider changing what I call “inspiration goals” to what I like to think of as “action goals.” Because getting fit is a lot more fun and a lot easier to stick with when you’re working toward something that gets you amped to beat your own personal bests. 


Inspiration goal: You want to fit into your high school jeans again.
Try this action goal instead: Perform a deadlift with weights that are 1.5 times as heavy as your bodyweight.

Deadlifts are movements that require you to hinge t the hips to bend over and pick a weight up off the floor. Because you can power this move with some seriously heavy weight, it packs a major punch for your strength and your physique. 

Deadlifts target your entire posterior chain—your upper back, spinal erectors, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Taking the time to develop a strong deadlift—and practicing all of its many variations with different numbers of sets and reps—will, over time, change the shape of your body. An unforeseen consequence, however, is that you’ll likely end up caring less about getting thinner and more about adding weight to the bar.

Pro-tip: Find a coach or trainer who can help you fine-tune your deadlift technique and show you how to safely progress to other variations. You’ll end up with a lift (and a strong, powerful bod) that will turn heads. 

Inspiration goal: You want to score arms like Michelle Obama.
Try this action goal instead: Perform a full range of motion pushup.

To get a shapely upper body (and a solid core workout to boot), focus on pushups. This bodyweight exercise targets your pecs, anterior deltoids, and triceps—and because they require no equipment, they can be done anywhere.

If you’re not yet able to do regular pushups with your hands on the ground, don’t lower your knees. Elevate your hands to a bench, box, or even the wall instead to take some of the heat off of your upper body without eliminating the core component of the exercise. Brace your abs, and lower your chest, not your chin. As you get stronger, work your way down to the floor. 

Inspiration goal: You want a butt like an Instagram fitness queen's.
Try this action goal instead: TPerform a back squat as heavy as your bodyweight.

While there are many different exercises that target your caboose in the gym, one of the best ones to get shapely glutes (and increase your badass quotient) is the barbell back squat. 

The barbell back squat is an exercise where you bend at the knees and squat down toward the floor while holding a barbell across your upper back. This lift hits your inner and outer thighs and your posterior, and like the barbell deadlift, is a movement you can load with a stare-worthy amount of plates once you’ve learned the proper technique.

Pro tip: If you’re not able to squat to the point where the tops of your thighs are parallel to the floor with good form just yet, squat down to a point high enough that allows you to load a bar on your back and maintain stability in the movement. Keep your back flat and upright, and make sure your knees track in line with your toes on the way down and the way back up. 


Inspiration goal: You want a six-pack.
Try this action goal instead: Perform a strict bodyweight pullup.

Pullups are the queen of upper-body exercises and not as elusive as you might think. Pullup reps require full-body tension from your lats and biceps (the muscles in your back and upper arms), your legs, your glutes, and guess what else? Your core. 

Getting better at pullups is all about adapting the movement to meet you where your strength is currently at. Start by placing your hands on a pullup bar and jumping up high enough to bring your chin over the bar. Come back down immediately, landing softly on every rep. As you get stronger, jump up and keep your arms bent to hold your chin over the bar for as long as you can. Keep your entire body tight, and make sure to brace your core. (Like someone is about to punch you in the belly.) When you get great at that, jump up and hold for a beat, then slowly, slowly, slowly—keeping your whole body tight by bracing your abs and squeezing your glutes—lower yourself down to the ground. 

Practice your pullups three times a week, getting in as many reps as possible in each session. Every two weeks, try for one pullup from a dead hang, with your arms completely extended and your feet lifted off the floor. With consistent practice, your first pullup will come along much sooner than you think.

Bonus: Support your pullup gains with exercises that directly target your core, like planks (and as you get stronger, one-arm planks, where you lift one arm off the floor) to increase your core strength as you work your way up to the bar. 

Inspiration goal: You want a bikini-ready body.
Try this action goal instead: Lift moderately heavy weights using compound movements.

While I’m firmly in the “if you want a bikini body, put a bikini on your body and there you go” camp, I also understand the desire for shapely muscles (whether you want to show them off in a bikini or not). The best way to go about getting those muscles? Lifting weights using multi-joint, compound movements, like squats, deadlifts, pullups, and pushups. Sound familiar? 


If you’re looking to change your body composition (or you don’t care so much about that but you want to do some really cool things), take your goal, turn it into something that's more about cool things you can do in the gym than how you look there, and then get moving. This is a scenario I’ve seen repeated over and over: Once a woman gets a sense of her potential, her focus shifts from aesthetic-based to performance-based. 

The takeaway is this: Action-based goals are both physically and mentally rewarding. Learning new skills will lead to a strong sense of empowerment and self-efficacy. Change your language from  “I wish” to “I can,” and see what happens. If you believe you can do more, you can do more—and that’s worth so much more than being able to squeeze back into your high school jeans.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Quick spring soup with dumplings

Healthy Soup


2 cups water
1/2 clove garlic, sliced
1/2cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, sliced
100g chicken breast, raw, sliced
4 frozen dumplings (about 70g)
75g (1 packet) egg noodles
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 cup bok choy or baby spinach
1/4 fresh red chilli, thinly sliced (optional)


Step 1 Place water, garlic and ginger in a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Add chicken and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Step 2 Add dumplings. Cook for about 5 minutes until dumplings rise to the surface. Add noodles and return to the boil. Cook for 2 minutes.

Step 3 Remove from heat and add sesame oil and bok choy. Transfer to a bowl and top with chilli (if using).

Wednesday 19 August 2015

10 Biggest Face-Washing Mistakes You're Making

Washing your face seems like the least complicated part of your beauty routine, right? Turns out that some common lathering habits can cause a whole list of skin woes, including dryness, irritation, oiliness, and breakouts. Read on to learn the 10 biggest face-washing mistakes—and how fixing them can alleviate nagging skin problems.

1. Picking the wrong product

The right cleanser should completely remove dirt, makeup, and grime, but not strip away too much of your skin's natural oils or healthy cells. Find one that does the job and is neither too gentle (you have to wash twice or scrub hard to cleanse thoroughly), nor too harsh (it makes your skin red and irritated or tight after drying).

2. Overdoing it

For the most part, washing once or twice a day is good protocol but any more can irritate skin, ironically leading to an overproduction of oil. If you didn’t wear makeup, slather on sunscreen, or sweat much that day, skip the cleanser at night and try rinsing with tepid water. Giving your skin a break from the cycle of products is healthy from time to time.

3. Using the wrong water temp

Myth: hot water opens pores and cold water closes them. The reality is that pores don’t have muscles to open and close. While hot water may feel good on your skin, it can screw with your skin’s natural, protective oils and lead to over-drying or over production of sebum. Lukewarm water is the best bet to cleanse gently yet effectively.

4. Exfoliating too much

Exfoliation is a healthy practice to slough off dead skin cells, but moderation is key. Cool it on grainy exfoliants (sugar scrubs and fruit acids are a gentler pick) and stick to exfoliating 2 to 3 times per week max. Use your fingers instead of a washcloth when exfoliating to prevent pulling and tugging of the skin.

5. Not rinsing well enough

Skimping on rinsing leads to residue build-up, which can clog pores and dry out skin. Rinse thoroughly, even when you’re rushing in the morning or dog-tired at night. The jawline, hairline, and nose are the most commonly neglected spots, so show them some love!

6. Using irritating ingredients

Do your face a favor and avoid irritating ingredients such as fragrances, colorants, and synthetic preservatives such as parabens. Sodium lauryl sulfate is another one to sidestep—it’s commonly used as a surfactant to wash away debris, but is also a common cause of irritation and allergic reaction. Always read ingredient labels.

7. Towel rubbing

Pat, don’t rub. Rubbing can feel really good, but it tugs and pulls your skin, which puts your elastin at risk. And don’t just grab the nearest hand towel, used or not. Friends don’t let friends spread bacteria—especially all over a nice, clean face. Designate a clean, soft towel to blot your fresh face.

8. Waiting to moisturize

To maximize absorption and help seal in moisture, apply moisturizers immediately after cleansing while skin is still damp. The same goes for serums and special treatment products. Waiting until your skin is completely dry will make it harder for the active ingredients to sink into your skin and can cause skin to feel greasy or tacky.

9. Spending a fortune

Shelling out a small fortune for face wash may not be the most prudent purchase. Look for one with simple, natural ingredients and save your dough for products that will actually stay on your skin and offer longer-term benefits, like serums and moisturizers.

10. Fearing oils

For a long time, oils were considered skin’s pore-clogging nemesis, but the tide of opinion is changing. Experts say that all skin types can benefit from cleansing with oil, even oily and blemish-prone skin. Oil dissolves oil, after all. The right oils will cleanse pores of dirt and bacteria, and help heal and balance skin. Look for cleansing oil products with natural, plant-based oils, or you can even try a high-quality almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grapeseed oil, or sunflower oil from the grocery store. (Coconut oil and olive oil may work for some, but have been known to cause problems for others.) Simply massage the oil on your face and wipe with a soft washcloth dunked in warm water. Just be sure to wipe away the oil thoroughly to prevent residual build up and keep pores clear.

The One Yogurt You Should Skip

Superfood? Not so fast

Yogurt’s moment as the ultimate health food is still going strong. Case in point: A recent study of more than 6,500 men and women, published in Nutrition Research, found that people who ate more than two servings of yogurt a week had better overall diets, consuming more potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins B2 and B12. They were also healthier overall, with lower levels of triglycerides and lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate yogurt less often.

Yogurt eaters also have more nutritious eating habits: The study found that they tend to consume fewer calories from processed meat, refined grains, and beer, and more produce, nuts, fish, and whole grains than yogurt-skippers.

“But even after accounting for the healthier diets of yogurt consumers, we found that eating yogurt itself leads to a healthier diet because it supplies three nutrients that many Americans don’t get enough of: potassium, calcium, and vitamin B12,” says study co-author Paul Jacques, DSc, director of the Nutritional Epidemiology Laboratory at Tufts University.

We know your grocery store is stocked to the gills with options, so here’s how to make a smart pick:

First, avoid the yogurts that are akin to “flavored milk jellos,” as registered dietitian Alexandra Caspero, owner of nutrition website, calls them. Check out the ingredient label—yogurt should basically contain cultured milk and cultures (including GI-healthy probiotics like S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, and L. Acidophilus).

Prefer Greek yogurt over the traditional kind? Either is fine. Aside from the differences in protein (per cup: over 20 grams in plain Greek versus 10 grams in regular), you’ll be getting the same nutrients and probiotics. “There’s nothing ‘magical’ about Greek yogurt, although more protein can aid in satiety,” Caspero says. Here are Caspero’s top yogurt picks:

Oikos 0% Vanilla Greek Yogurt. Yes, it’s flavored, but with organic sugar and no added colors or flavors, this is a solid pick for 170 calories and 22 grams of protein per cup.

Stonyfield Fat-Free Plain Yogurt. “With 10 grams of protein and 110 calories per cup, this is a good choice to add into smoothies, oatmeal, or cereal with a tiny drizzle of honey or maple syrup,” Caspero says.

So Delicious Dairy-Free Cultured Almond Milk Greek Style. Great for anyone who can't tolerate dairy. “Though almond milk is traditionally lower in protein, this yogurt is pumped up with pea protein for 7 grams per container and only 140 calories," Caspero says.

Thursday 6 August 2015


It has been said from the ancient times that a man should like a man and he should be muscular enough to be feel like a man and not boy. For this Men’s muscle foods are required along with Men’s fitness tips. Men’s muscle foods are important because there can be no growth without it. Men’s fitness tips, on the other hand, would make us able to utilize those Men’s muscle foods in order to make our bodies more healthy, stunning and muscular. Although there are number of muscular developments pills available in the market, but there can be no alternative to natural food which is actually Men’s muscle foods. Five of the major Men’s muscle foods are recommended below with their importance.


Egg is the pure and most highly regarded as protein career among the Men’s muscle foods. It is the one who has abundant in protein and protein is what we need most in order to develop our muscles. Men’s fitness tips are incomplete without recommending the use of eggs in the daily Men’s muscle foods. Egg contains Vitamin B12 which is essential for the growth of muscles. Analysis of Men’s fitness tips have shown us that the eggs won’t create the chance of heart attack when use as Men’s muscle foods and when Men’s fitness tips are carefully observed.


Men’s muscles foods are also inclusive of almonds, the best source of Vitamin E. Men’s fitness tips have suggested that the use of almonds on daily basis would not only good for memory but also for the muscle development. Men’s muscle foods have a wide range but the few of them have a remarkable impact on the human body. Almonds are one of those Men’s muscle foods. Latest researches have shown us that the daily intake of almonds won’t increase any weight. Men’s fitness tips have rated almonds to a significant importance.


Like many other natural blessings, yogurt too is a great one. If Men’s muscle foods have to be single commodity, it would have yogurt. It is an ideal combination of proteins and carbohydrates. Men’s fitness tips have strongly recommended the use of yogurt event to the normal persons who are not interested in Men’s muscle foods. It is highly useful commodity.


Beef can be categorically recognized as a house of proteins. Beef is required for the development of muscles and overall health. Body builders have given an important position to beef in the daily diet plan of the Men’s muscle foods. Iron and zinc rich beef material is highly important when someone is following the Men’s fitness tips. Beef should be used at least four times in a week as per the schedule of the Men’s muscle foods.


While developing muscles we have to take care of the breakdown of them. Men’s fitness tips suggest number of ways to deal with this problem. However, the best possible way is the use of olive oil in your daily routine. Men’s muscle foods have olive oil as an important ingredient in the making of all the dishes which are included in the category of Men’s muscle foods. When virgin olive oil is used, it would reduce the risks of health and would allow you to have a strong and muscular body. This is the reason because of which it has been essential part of the lists of Men’s fitness tips and Men’s muscle foods.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Protein Smoothie Recipe That Keep You Full All Day

Mango Carrot Smoothie

"Mangoes are a superfruit loaded with antioxidants and more than 20 different vitamins and minerals," says Blatner. The protein in her recipe below comes from whole foods like almond butter, rather than a scoop of protein powder.

Serves: 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1.5 tablespoons almond butter
1/2 cup grated carrot
3/4 cup fresh mango
5 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in blender and puree until smooth.

290 calories, 9g protein


You've heard a thousand times that you have to take off the majority of your make-up before going to bed, yet I wager that you've slipped here and there and go to bed wearing a full face. Am I right? Shrewd! Not just does resting in your make-up give your skin a restricted ticket to Breakout Town on the grounds that your pores are hindered with earth, oil, make-up and contamination, it can likewise have dependable consequences for your skin.

Think untimely maturing, the on-set of skin break out, and a dull appearance. Much the same as cleaning your teeth before bed, make it a need to burn through two minutes washing your face with a chemical that will evacuate your make-up.

Does seeing an awful looking whitehead on your button have your fingers tingling to get crushing? While it may appear like the quickest answer for disposing of it, popping a pimple really expands the mending time of a spot, can spread the contamination, and even result in scarring. Rather, destroy it in a matter of hours with a whizz-blast pimple cream that'll assimilate oil, diminish redness and eliminate microbes.

Do you wish your make-up would smooth effectively onto your skin, look idealize throughout the day, and last without moving into the small hours of the morning? Your requests to God have been replied with one straightforward item preliminary.

In the wake of saturating and before applying your make-up, utilize a clean establishment brush or your fingertips to cover the groundwork up your whole face, verifying you don't miss regions like around your nose and your jawline. Simply give it a chance to sink in and your make-up will apply like a fantasy. When you attempt it, you'll consider how you ever lived without it.

Hands up on the off chance that you invest a lot of time and exertion dealing with the skin all over that you disregard whatever remains of your body? In spite of the fact that as of now of year our bodies are wrapped under layers and layers of garments, your skin is enduring more than some other time.

Cool air, indoor warming, and hot showers strip your skin of greatly required dampness, so its dependent upon you to give careful consideration. In the wake of jumping out of the shower, pat your body dry, then extinguish its thirst with an all-over lotion. Give it a chance to sink in, put on your garments, and you're ready.

Ever perceived somebody's neck was a couple of shades lighter than their face? Shockingly she's likely neglected to mix her establishment from her jawline down to her midsection, abandoning her skin a little miss-coordinated. We've all been there. So how would you maintain a strategic distance from it? Attempt each morning to smooth your establishment the distance down your neck and midsection until it vanishes.


Have you ever treated yourself to a facial? A decent facial begins with purifying your face delicately. At that point you steam and back rub it to enhance course and convey a solid sparkle to your skin.

Utilize a veil that functions admirably with your skin sort, and completion with toner and cream. Your home facial will leave your skin new, brilliant and delightful.

So, for the best home facial for fairness, start with:

1. Utilize a hairband or barrettes to secure your hair far from your face, so your temple is totally uncovered. Along these lines your whole face will profit by your facial.

2. Utilize your most loved facial chemical to get your facial off to an incredible begin. Wash your face with warm water (not hot or cool, subsequent to these temperatures are cruel on facial skin) and pat it dry with a delicate towel.

3. You can utilize a locally acquired facial clean or blend one up utilizing fixings you have at home. A decent peeling clean contains sugar that will "scour" away the dead skin without harming the solid skin underneath.

4. Apply the scour in a tender round movement everywhere all over, from your T-zone down your nose, over your cheeks, and under your button. As opposed to squeezing into your skin, let the clean take every necessary step for you and daintily lift away the top layer of dead skin cells.

5. Utilize warm water to wash away the scour, leaving your face crisp and glimmering. Pat your face with a delicate towel to get it prepared for the following stride in your facial.

6. On the off chance that you would prefer not to utilize a clean, there are different approaches to shed your face. You can utilize a dry brush, a shedding fabric, or an utilization of a corrosive exfoliant, for example, glycolic corrosive. Any strategy is fine, yet don't utilize two routines in mix. Over-shedding the skin all over can harm it.

7. While your pores are still clammy and open from the steam treatment, apply a cover to draw out contaminations. The kind of cover you utilize ought to be in light of your skin sort.

8. Amid this time, the fixings will feed your skin, and when you evacuate your cover it will look brighter and more energetic. In the event that you need to unwind while your cover goes to work, cut up a cucumber, rests in an agreeable place, and put one cut over every eye. This will keep the veil from dribbling at you and saturate your eyelids in the meantime.

9. At the point when the 15 minutes is up, utilization warm water to flush it away. Nectar can be very sticky, so verify you flush off all hints of the veil. Utilize a delicate towel to pat your skin dry.

10. The last stride in your facial is to apply a lotion to keep your skin gleaming long after your facial is finished. Smooth on your most loved saturating cream and let it completely retain into your skin before putting on cosmetics.


Six pack abs make the perfect demonstration of someone’s fitness level and therefore, are not easy to get. Difficult, yes, but not impossible! Proper diet and a lot of exercise is the key to getting the perfect six pack abs.

First step towards getting the six packs is to have a flat stomach and nothing can flatten your tummy better than a strict diet control. Crunches and sit ups can give you the abs but so long as the layer of fat is on your abdomen, no one will notice that you have them. Do research on proper nutrition and diet. Having said it, we all know that vegetables and lean meat are perfect for men. Lower the intake of calories to the level below you need.

Keeping the diet in control, it is time that you get on the exercise ride. Exercise shapes up your body while the controlled diet rids you of the fat. Remember, you cannot achieve the results with either alone, it has to be both. Abs are the accentuated flat stomach. You need resistance to train your abs and as you do, you need to progressively increase the amount.

The key to getting six packs is giving the rest of your body muscles. Your muscles use a lot of calories which helps in burning fat so it is important that while you work to flatten your stomach, you increase the resistance exercise to add muscles and achieve overall fitness.

These two points are over overlooked. Men either exercise a lot and forget to keep their diet in check or diet without adding resistance exercise to their routine. Just remember, controlled diet and resistance exercise for at least 3 – 6 months are the two must-do for you.

Tuesday 14 July 2015


Measles infections can take a very different course. In some cases, it may lead to severe complications, but they often occur in very young or adult patients.

Disease in children often run heavier than in adults. Although in adults have the same typical course of the disease, just below the curve ahead faster and also the complications are more frequent and more violent course.

Complications caused by the measles virus itself, and it may, in particular the respiratory tract and the brain to be affected. Thereby can in the respiratory tract, a bronchitis and pneumonia caused.


This disease is one of the measles virus caused acute and infectious disease. First enters a flu like preliminary stage followed by a strong rash on, which can affect large parts of the body.

Because disease is highly contagious, they usually occur as a childhood disease on. The virus leaves a lifelong immunity. Crucial for the progression of the disease but are frequent complications, For example, otitis media and pneumonia.


The disease virus is pathogenic for humans and therefore solves only people from the disease. The virus preferentially infects cells of the immune and nervous system.

The virus is mainly by droplet infection transmitted, especially by coughing or sneezing.


Measles are characterized by typical symptoms. The main symptom of measles is the conspicuous rash.

In the children’s disease two consecutive stages are distinguished, on the one hand the running with flu like symptoms precursor stage and on the other, marked by characteristic skin lesions stage of the rash.

Another typical symptom of measles is 2 time increase in fever as the disease progresses. First, create a fever increase during the precursor stage, followed by a further increase at the beginning of the stage, where the rash occurs eventually.

Very typical symptoms of the precursor stage of measles are common symptoms such as lethargy, fatigue, mild fever, headache and abdominal pain.

The patients often have a puffy face, are sensitive to light and have watery eyes due to conjunctivitis infections. Other signs of disease are a dry, barking cough and runny nose and sore throat.

With a second steep increase in fever, the main stage of measles announces. The symptoms of the first stage reinforce this. In addition, there occurs a dark red, coarse speckled and irregular shaped rash, which behind the ears begins.

This rash may be on the face and neck and also the spread after several days hull, the arms and the legs, except the palms and soles cover.

Treatment tips

1. Treatment of disease is aimed only at the symptoms, because the measles virus can not be treated directly. There are yet no drug that fights the cause of childhood illness. In the foreground are therefore relieving the symptoms through medication and a lot of bed rest.

2. It is essential to treat the patient regardless of age and on the basis of symptoms because the disease in children and adults can be severe. Vaccination can help prevent any illness or serious complications.

Your Protein Prescription: Sample Meal Plan, Healthy Breakfast


1 cup oatmeal with 1/2 cup skim milk and 1 cup blueberries

Protein: 11 grams


Men are naturally different from the women both in physical appearance and in psychological stabilities. Men’s health care reviews have shown us that there are some reasons because of which it can be generalized that men are living longer. Men’s fitness guide have suggested number of tips to deal with the Men’s health care by ensuring better health and long life.

Let us enlist some of the major reasons according to the Men’s health care that are showing why the men are living longer:


Since men are different from women in certain aspects, strong heart is one of them. Latest researches have shown us that the Men’s health care is relatively easy just because they have a healthy and strong heart. Men’s fitness guide strongly recommends the psychological treatment and physical activities as the only key to strong and healthy heart. Men’s health care is impossible if there is any option of weak heart. Men’s fitness guides us number of diet plans and exercises to get your heat strong and healthy.


In Pakistan, where society is male dominating, the male member from his child hood is porn to worldly problems and issues of routine. So, they can easily defeat the attacks of depression as compare to the opposite gender. Men’s fitness guide has clearly marked this reason as the most important one for let men living a longer life. Men’s health care techniques suggested that by defeating depression, one can increase its life time up to 10 years.


Diabetes is one of the very common and major problems in Pakistan that has devastating impacts on both genders. Men’s health care approaches are naturally good in this society so the impacts of diabetes are less harmful than that of women. Men’s fitness guides him to have a perfect life style by nip the evil of diabetes in the buds by following major health care tips such as daily walk, fresh air, less sugar and most importantly less worries of daily routine.


Men’s are emotionally stronger than females and as a result is stronger the emotional stresses which is very common now days. Men’s health care will be incomplete without countering emotional stability into consideration. Men’s fitness guide suggests that the emotionally strong nature would keep us from many problems and can lead us to normal life. Women are emotional to greater extent and this is the one of the reasons that they have shorter lives.


Another important aspect that is assuring men a longer life is its inmate habit of eating healthy food. it has been a common observation that women like spices more than men. Men’s fitness guide has suggested that healthy food can make us able to live healthy and longer life. Men’s health care tips included healthy food. Since it is very much culture in subcontinent so it is leading man to live a longer life.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Chickpeas: Healthy Food

Chickpeas have high vitamin-B content (like B6 and folate), meaning lots of brain benefits. "In our bodies, folate is responsible for the conversion of homocysteine, a byproduct of cellular metabolism, into methionine, which is another amino acid," London says. "High levels of homocysteine are responsible for blood vessel damage." While research has yet to determine if folic acid intake is the only cause of decreased homocysteine levels, failing to get vitamins and minerals is linked with high levels of homocysteine in the blood — and an increased risk of Alzheimer's.

Do You Know When You Are Under Stress?

In the current time, when everything is becoming a lot more challenging and demanding, one needs to be more stress free, cool and calm. It can help to perform our duties efficiently. One of the first steps one should take note of is to know when they are stressed. People being so much stressed and under pressure, they simply forget they are stressed.  This is so because, stress wraps up itself in a self centered package that one simply forgets what he/she is doing and how his/her actions can affect the overall environment and the behavior of others. Despite of regretting what you did in a specific situation just being under stress, it is better to know about the basic signs and symptoms when you are stressed to avoid blunders, misbehavior and any severe mishap. If you keep this point somewhere in your subconscious that while being stressed your brain can simply jog your memory that you are under stress which is your biggest problem of all.

Now let’s move to some of the basic indications that can help you detect that you are under stress. Out of many obvious indications, consistent worrying is something really prominent and can help others understand if not you on your own can detect that something is bothering you. In such state one cannot avoid being tense and keep on thinking about the problem continuously and cannot stay relax. Tension and stress if not avoided or overlooked can lead to many health and physical problems.

Another indication can be headache. This is another common physical ailment one can go through while being tense. Sometimes the headache is that severe and reached the migraine area and the pain so much intense that one cannot even move. Sometimes we can even feel headache when we are relax. Nothing is bothering us and there is nothing wrong in anything at all. But our mind is so much accustomed to being tense that our brain can’t understand how to be actually. So it is advisable to try to avoid tension and stress to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Insomnia or inability to sleep is another common yet tough condition one faces while being tense. The soul reason is that the one under stress cannot come out that particular tension annoying him/her. Despite of the fact that you want to relax for a while if not long, your brain continues to think over that problem again and again franticly. This results in sleeplessness. Lack of sleep can lead to a number of health issues and can cause fatigue. If you are facing such problem you probably should consult a doctor right away to get rid of sleeplessness and also eradicating the cause leading to it.

Adding a little more to it, some of other health issues one can face as a result of stress is ulcers, memory loss, high blood pressure etc. These are not something we can neglect or overlook. It can lead to severe problems. Ulcers are something really painful and should be taken into account before things start getting intensified.  Similarly if you cannot remember things and you have started forgetting them on frequent basis you should take care of this and try to avoid things that are leading to relentless health problems.

Thus if you want to lead a healthy and happy life you need to detect the actual reasons of being stressed to avoid them eventually. When you know what is actually doing harm to your overall health and fitness you can then fight back easily.


Food is fuel for your body. Mostly women are aware of the consequences of eating unhealthy food such as obesity and weight gain but men, on the other hand, eat different food items without considering their unhealthy efects. Men's diet mistakes are plenty such as serious nutrition mistakes that end up costing them in long term.

If you want to know what sort of men's diet mistake you are making, then this article will be beneficial for you. Lets have a look at what these mistakes are as well as men's fitness tips are so you can be sure to avoid them.

First of all we start with breakfast. Skipping breakfast is a big mistake that you are making. It is important to eat a healthy breakfast that must be the combination of protein and carbohydrates. Breakfast boosts your metabolism and helps in keeping you active and healthy all the day.

If you want to look healthy, you must avoid those eating habits that are destroying your health. I suggest you some men’s fitness tips to keep yourselves healthy. By acting upon my tips you can get rid from these bad habits. Rather than making drastic changes overnight, you must make small changes over time for long term success.

If you apply these men’s fitness tips, believe me, results will be soon before you and you will thank me later.

Thursday 25 June 2015


Men’s fitness is necessary in all ages especially at the age of forty. Some men decide at forty that life has come to an end and they mentally and physically feel unfit. Aging is typically associated with fatigue and weakness.

Are you also getting older and waiting for some tips to be fit and strong? Here are some essential tips that would definitely help you remain healthy. Regardless of what you have lived your life in the past, you can be fit and healthy at 40. In order to live a healthy life you have to make minor changes in your routine.

With the growing age, men naturally lose muscles. Exercise is must for men at the age of forty however it seems to be tiring and painful at this age. You have to set a goal to take exercise for minimum 30 minutes at least five days a week. You can join any fitness club or gym to keep your body in shape. If you don’t want to join a gym, you can get rid of the fitness obstacles in your own life. Even daily activities like gardening and other household chores can help you stay active, maintain or lose weight and keep yourself healthy.

Obesity and overweight is the major problem at this age that can lead to many diseases. You must have control on your weight. You should begin to lose fat regimen by pairing consistent exercise and adopting nutritious eating habits. Walk is the best alternate of exercise. Daily walk for a mile can prove much beneficial in your fitness.

You can also do jogging in nearby park or jogging track. Jogging keeps your metabolism active and speed your weight lose. Yoga is best at the age of forty. It provides you with peace of mind. Yoga is very beneficial at forty because it can improve flexibility, reduces stress and relieve back pain.

Mostly people feel the effect of age firstly in their joints. As you age, connective tissues become less elastic and you are at more risk of injury to your joints. So with the growing age, you must be careful about yourself. Avoid such tasks and woks that can cause your joints to injure.

One of the main health concerns for 40 years age is cholesterol level. Reduce foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and replace them with foods that help you in raising your good cholesterol such as fish with omega 3 fatty acid and you must use olive oil in your diet. You should also consider increasing your calcium intake to help in maintaining bone strength as you age.

You must increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is important as you age. Vegetables and fruits are full of natural vitamins and minerals that your body requires to keep the internal system of your body healthy and active. You must intake oranges and strawberries for vitamin C, bananas for magnesium, spinach for iron and tomatoes for lycopene. 

If you are at age of forty, you not need to worry. You can take help from abovementioned tips that will definitely help you in making you healthy.


We should always avoid sunburn although sometimes this energy comes suddenly. The redness, irritation, scaling, pain, swelling, unsightly blisters and sunburn may last 3-7 days and are extremely annoying. Sunburns are, in fact, acute inflammation of the skin cells, caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Many people are unaware that the chemicals that are put on the skin can cause inflammation once it is exposed to sunlight. When we are in the presence of sunburn, natural treatment for skin always help and provides refreshing and soothing effect to remove the burning and itching.
Here are some natural treatment for sunburns on face easy and handy.


Take 4 tbsp of tomato juice and 2 tbsp of fresh cream, mix and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with cold

water. Follow this procedure for 1 week.

Mix milk and lemon juice, apply at night and wash next day in the morning, your sunbrun will be cured.

Make a paste of cornstarch or baking soda with water, apply on affected area and leave until your burning stops. Then rinse
it off.

Take chilled cucumber and apply slices on affected area or make a paste of chilled cucumber with the help of aloe vera gel or
cornstarch to make a thick paste.

Apply cider vinegar on burning area, after a few minutes apply coconut oil, you will feel relief.

Monday 22 June 2015

How To Stay Active During Fasting In Ramzan

The holy month of Ramzan has just arrived and we must greet this holy month by getting prepared for these spiritual 30 days. Allah has fixed this month for his worship and fasting which means to not to eat for a fixed time that is from dawn to dusk.

This year the month of Ramzan will be in July which is the hottest month of the year and the fast is supposed to be 16 hours long almost which means the complete abstinence from food and it will be about one third hours fasting in 24 hours of the day. The month of Ramzan not only accompanies fasting but it also has many health benefits for all Muslims. Fasting drenches the energy from body making us less active during day so we must know how to stay active during fasting in Ramzan.

Tips To Stay Active During Fasting In Ramzan

Healthy Sahar Time:

Fast begins with sahar time means to have breakfast at dawn. The basic health tip to stay active during fasting is to have a healthy sahar meal. The good choice is to consume complex carbohydrates which help to provide energy during fasting or have foods which have low digestion and provide energy for long hours during fasting. Foods such as grains like barley, wheat, oats, beans, lentils, and rice have complex carbohydrates and help in staying fit and energetic during fasting.

The foods rich in fiber such as bran, cereals, whole wheat, grains, potatoes and other vegetables like green beans and fruits also digest slowly.

•  Drinking Water

Fasting causes dehydration therefore drinking 5-7 glasses of water during non-fasting hours is very important to keep your body hydrated. It will also maintain blood flow and will regulate body temperature. This year the Ramzan in hot month of July will also make us sweating so drinking sufficient water will replace the lost electrolytes in our body.

•  Balance Diet

A balance diet is another factor to stay active while fasting during Ramzan. You must consume healthy meal to avoid getting more fat pile up in your body. Try to use more fruits, fresh juices, green vegetables and chapatti to remain energetic. Some foods cause lethargy making a person dull during fasting such as red meat and fast food like burgers. Avoid these junk meals.

•  Avoid Over Eating

At aftar time, we end up stuffing our stomach with too much food that it causes acidity and indigestion. Fast does not mean to over eat or eating more than your normal routine. Try to limit yourself to one third of the food, one third of water and one third of air. It will make you feel lighter and energetic during next day of the fasting.

•  Doing Exercise

To stay active while fasting during Ramzan it is better to make a schedule for exercise. Doing some exercise of about 30 minutes’ walk, 30 minutes cycling or house cleaning are best ways to beat lethargy. The interesting way of exercise is to spend an hour in kitchen to prepare aftar meal; it will make you energetic before going to table for aftar.

•  Healthy Aftar Time

Healthy aftar meal is also a part of staying fit in Ramzan. During fasting a person becomes less active due to fats melting to provide energy, this is replaced by having meal on aftar time but it does not mean to eat fried items like pakorey and samosey or kachoris. The healthier you eat in Ramzan, the healthier your fasts will be.

•  Praying & Worshiping

To make your fasts more energetic indulge into long prayers and worship. Don’t miss your prayers 5 times a day because it makes you active and physically fit during fast. It also makes you spiritually healthy which is good to stay active while fasting during Ramzan.

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Time to cook up some curry! A study in the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology showed older adults in India are 4.4 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's than the same demographic in the U.S. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory abilities to protect cell erosion and carries antioxidant effects that fight against breakdown in cell membranes. "It's more than just a protector against Alzheimer's," says clinical dietitian Jaclyn London, RD, who specializes in neurology and brain injury at Mount Sinai Health System. "Research has shown that individuals who only occasionally consume curry, less than once per month, still performed better on a standardized test than those who reported rarely or never eating curry.

Cycling Makes You Fit

Exercising daily keeps you fit and healthy. Besides walking, jogging and running, cycling is also a form of exercise. Cycling makes you fit. It is a great cardiovascular exercise.

Cycling makes you look younger and it has been demonstrated by scientists that cycling regularly protects your skin from harmful effects of UV rays and also helps in reducing signs of aging. Due to cycling, increased circulation of blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin cell more efficiently. Cycling results in generating an ideal environment to optimize collagen production within the body and help in reducing the symptoms of wrinkles and speed up the healing process.

Do you need to increase the use of your brain? Then cycling is the ideal way to sparkle your gray matter. You must get paddling. Cycling is the most effective form of exercise which helps in building new brain cells in hippocampus - the part of brain that is associated with memory and deteriorates after age of 30. Cycling also strengthens blood flow and provides oxygen to the brain which regenerates the receptors and keeps you mentally and psychologically fit.

Forget apples and add cycling in your daily routine to keep yourself away from doctors. Cycling helps in beating illness by making immune cells more active. Researchers have proved that the people who cycle for thirty minutes five days a week are less likely to get infected by harmful infections.

The people who cycle are at low risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart problems, diabetes, all types of cancer and obesity. Cycling is the great cardiovascular exercise that helps you live longer. Cycling makes the body more efficient at defending and regenerating new cells. Cycling also reduces the chances of heart risks by fifty percent. Cycling prevents fatal heart diseases.  

Cycling helps you in sleeping more deeply. The patients of insomnia must adopt the habit of cycling in their daily life so that they can sleep deeply. Sleeping makes your body and mind healthy and helps you in managing all work efficiently whether at home or in office. Cycling boosts motivation and ability to deal with the stress. It also improves time and workload management and prevents them from worries and anxieties.

Cycling also strengthens your muscles and makes you stronger and more efficient. It also keeps your ankle, joints and hips healthy and also allows you to be efficient in sports and games. Physical activity like cycling will decrease the time that it takes to move food from large intestine and also limit the amount of water that absorbed back into your body and leaving you with softer stool. Cycling accelerates your heart beat rate which helps in stimulating the contraction of intestinal muscles. It is also a remedy for bowel cancer.

Cycling has huge benefits which keeps you fit without trying too hard. It also saves your money that you would pay to get a gym membership. Stay healthy and keep yourself fit and smart both mentally and physically by cycling.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Triceps Workout Techniques to Apply at Home

Home Workouts are ideal way to maintain a fitness routine with a hectic lifestyle. You have the freedom in home workouts to choose your preferable time, maintain a flexible schedule and yet enjoy a perfect body.

Therefore, we now bring you some tips on home triceps workout which you can do as part of your home workouts regime and have perfect triceps, just the way you wish!

The Dips for Home Triceps Workout:

It’s best advised to start home triceps workout in home workouts with dips. They are very convenient to do in home workouts and you can carry out dips in home triceps workout while even watching television.

Just take a stool or some firm bench for dips in home workouts and take a sitting position parallel to it facing you back towards it. Now place both your hands soon either side and move your body up and down. Make sure your ankles are firm on the ground for this home triceps workout.

The Push-ups in Home Workouts:

Push-ups are always an effective part of home workouts and same holds true for home triceps workout. In home triceps workout, push-ups are going to be a blissful act. Just make sure that while doing push-ups in home triceps workout, do not arch your body and bend you back, make sure your you maintain a good pace while moving up and down in push-ups in home workouts.

The Overhead Dumbbells for Home Triceps Workout:

Another ideal home triceps workout is to use make good use of dumbbells in home workouts and do effective home triceps workout. For home workouts, hold a dumbbell in your hand; lift your arm with elbow protruding towards ceiling and like clockwise and counter-clockwise motion, move you arm till the head is right above the middle of your head. This is surely effective in home triceps workout and you will enjoy doing it too as part of home triceps workout.

These are a few of the top rated home triceps workout exercises. They are easy, effective and very flexible to suit with your time limitations for home workouts. Just makes sure that you carry out home triceps workout at least twice or thrice a week for better strength and performance of your triceps.

Last but not the least, for home triceps workout; make sure that you take help from a trainer once in a while in order to make sure that you are on the right track with home triceps workout in home workouts. In this way, chances of injuries through wrong home triceps workout are minimized and you will have better results from home workouts.

The Superfoods for Gorgeous Skin and Hair

The secret to healthier hair and glowing skin? It's not in your makeup case. It's in your diet. Nutritionist Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, author of The Beauty Diet, says these superfoods will give you gorgeous skin and beautiful hair.


This low-profile berry was ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to 40 common fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature aging, so add half a cup to your yogurt or cereal every day.


Depression are among the most common mental illnesses. The depression symptoms are vast, but often show through a permanent psychological depth, accompanied by feelings of sadness, melancholy or hopelessness. In every day burden of depression also, since its often associated insomnia, lack of concentration and lack of drive.


The some of common and effective causes of depression are:
1.   Chronic stress
2.   Unemployment
3.   Death of a family member
4.   Divorce or separation
5.   Hypothyroidism or Perfectionism.


If depression is suspected, the first visit to a physician should perform. This should first rule out organic disorders. Often, For example, thyroid disorders can have similar symptoms result.


The road to depression therapy is certainly not an easy step, but quite effective. The 1st path leads here to a Neurologist or Psychiatrist, here is clarified what form of Therapy is useful for depression, and whether any medical accompaniments, such as antidepressants, are worthwhile.

During a conversation, behavioral or Psychotherapy then the problems of those affected are identified and the necessary steps defined, it ultimately be deleted from the consciousness. Depression patients learn in this context, to gain new perspectives on existing processes and conditions and understand new ways to address problem situations. The disease itself and its impact on the immediate environment, often as part of a therapy. In this way, often completely new and unknown insights arise concerning the disease itself and the individual person.

Way out:

1.   Many patients want to try to circumvent the therapy and try to get yourself out depression to liberate. However, this is possible only with the greatest effort and succeed not at the most. Therefore, the road to recovery ultimately leads almost exclusively through an appropriate form of therapy.

2.   Often things will get done that make a fun. The falls depressed people but quite heavy. The more severe the depression, the more one should overcome once again his hobby to pursue.

3.   Furthermore, it is also good to drive his sport. Here, the so called Endorphins are expelled that can help at least to feel something.Also a nice meal can help lighten the mood a little. Cooking up yet again your favorite food or go to your favorite restaurant.

4.   A very important point is also the relaxation. Try different relaxation methods out until you find the right place for you. All this is rather beside the point. The main thing is that you accept the disease first and learn to deal with it. It can also partner with a lot of understanding to be a real help.


The normal amount of body hair for women varies. Most of the time, a woman only has fine hair or peach fuzz, lips, chin, chest, abdomen or back. If you have thick, dark hairs in these areas, the condition is called hirsutism. In most cases, the exact cause is never identified. In general, hirsutism is harmless and tends to be hereditary. However, many women find it bothersome, or even embarrassing. Here is the best facial hair remover you can use to get rid of this problem.



Vitamin A cream – 1 tsp
Glycerine – 1/4 cup
Banyan tree gum – 2 tbsp
Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
Beeswax – 1 cup
Shaker – 2 tbsp
Lemon juice – 1/4 cup
Vitamin C tablets – 4 crushed


Take a pan, add vitamin A cream, banyan tree gum, turmeric powder, bees wax, shaker, lemon juice and vitamin C tablets.
Cook until beeswax and banyan tree gum dissolve and turn into cream form.
When it’s done keep in fridge.
Warm it and apply every time after wax for 40 minutes.
Then massage gradually and rinse it.

Wednesday 3 June 2015


Now that we are entering hot weather, it’s important to consider using sunscreen, and so this sunscreen for men can help you.
You should apply sunscreen to be effective 30 minutes before sun exposure.
If makeup is used, it should be applied under makeup.
Use the necessary amount to cover all the skin properly.
Caution in the most sensitive parts of the body: face, neck, shoulders, arms, ears, hands and toes.
Apply sunscreen every hour at least.
The clouds let through the UV rays, so even if its cloudy you should use it.

This homemade sunscreen was created by Dr. Khurram Mushir
specially for men, but anyone can use it.



Aloe Vera gel – 1 tbsp
Tomato pulp – 2 tbsp
Cinnamon powder – 1 pinch
Sesame oil – 2 tbsp
Wheat germ oil – 1 tbsp
Jasmine oil – 1 tbsp


Add Aloe Vera gel, tomato pulp, cinnamon powder, sesame oil, wheatgerm oil, jasmin oil, mix and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then place in the fridge.
Apply this sunscreen half an hour before going under the sun, then wash with water.
It will also help get rid of freckles, sun damaged skin, dark spots on face, black heads, pimples, etc, and it will give you glowing skin.
You can also keep some in your office or on work place, if you want to apply for lunch, or on your way back home.

7 Push-Up Mistakes You're Probably Making

There's a lot more to push-ups than getting on all fours and moving up and down. And knowing the proper technique is important: It'll reduce your risk of injury, improve core strength, and burn more calories. Make note of these common mistakes, then visit to see how doing push-ups can also help veterans nationwide.

The problem: Your butt rises:

Push-ups are a great ab exercise, but this is a clear indication that you're not engaging your core.
The fix: Engage your glute muscles by squeezing the cheeks together. This will help lower your butt and raise your lower back.

The problem: Your back looks more like a hammock and less like a board:

Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.
The fix: Raise your low back toward the ceiling while simultaneously tilting your pelvic bones in the direction of your upper body.

The problem: Improper arm placement:

Lots of people place their hands too far forward, which puts strain on the shoulder joints, making it difficult to comfortably engage the buttocks, low back, and abdominal area.
The fix: Your arms need to be straight up and down like a pillar holding up a building, allowing the bones in both arms to better support the weight of your body.

The problem: Poor head alignment:

This happens when the chin and jaw are too close to your chest during the exercise.
The fix: Try to imagine a grapefruit-size space between your chin and upper chest, which will align your spine and relieve pressure from your neck muscles.

The problem: Dead legs:

Most people think that their legs are just along for the ride. Not true.
The fix: To achieve more muscle recruitment and better alignment during a push-up, it's important to push the backs of your knees toward the ceiling and your heels toward the floor, while flexing your quadriceps ever so slightly.

The problem: You're holding your breath:

This one is obvious, but quite often the most overlooked. It's difficult to do anything well while holding your breath.
The fix: Don't force it—just make sure you're exhaling on the way up and inhaling on the way down like you would breath naturally. No yoga-style exhales here.

The problem: You're only doing half a push-up:

Far too often people don't go low enough or high enough, but you can't improve or get stronger doing a half push-up.
The fix: Try to straighten your arms at the top of every push-up and be conscious that your upper arms/triceps are at least parallel to the floor at the bottom, creating a 90-degree angle with your elbows.

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