Wednesday 3 June 2015


Now that we are entering hot weather, it’s important to consider using sunscreen, and so this sunscreen for men can help you.
You should apply sunscreen to be effective 30 minutes before sun exposure.
If makeup is used, it should be applied under makeup.
Use the necessary amount to cover all the skin properly.
Caution in the most sensitive parts of the body: face, neck, shoulders, arms, ears, hands and toes.
Apply sunscreen every hour at least.
The clouds let through the UV rays, so even if its cloudy you should use it.

This homemade sunscreen was created by Dr. Khurram Mushir
specially for men, but anyone can use it.



Aloe Vera gel – 1 tbsp
Tomato pulp – 2 tbsp
Cinnamon powder – 1 pinch
Sesame oil – 2 tbsp
Wheat germ oil – 1 tbsp
Jasmine oil – 1 tbsp


Add Aloe Vera gel, tomato pulp, cinnamon powder, sesame oil, wheatgerm oil, jasmin oil, mix and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then place in the fridge.
Apply this sunscreen half an hour before going under the sun, then wash with water.
It will also help get rid of freckles, sun damaged skin, dark spots on face, black heads, pimples, etc, and it will give you glowing skin.
You can also keep some in your office or on work place, if you want to apply for lunch, or on your way back home.


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