Thursday 25 June 2015


Men’s fitness is necessary in all ages especially at the age of forty. Some men decide at forty that life has come to an end and they mentally and physically feel unfit. Aging is typically associated with fatigue and weakness.

Are you also getting older and waiting for some tips to be fit and strong? Here are some essential tips that would definitely help you remain healthy. Regardless of what you have lived your life in the past, you can be fit and healthy at 40. In order to live a healthy life you have to make minor changes in your routine.

With the growing age, men naturally lose muscles. Exercise is must for men at the age of forty however it seems to be tiring and painful at this age. You have to set a goal to take exercise for minimum 30 minutes at least five days a week. You can join any fitness club or gym to keep your body in shape. If you don’t want to join a gym, you can get rid of the fitness obstacles in your own life. Even daily activities like gardening and other household chores can help you stay active, maintain or lose weight and keep yourself healthy.

Obesity and overweight is the major problem at this age that can lead to many diseases. You must have control on your weight. You should begin to lose fat regimen by pairing consistent exercise and adopting nutritious eating habits. Walk is the best alternate of exercise. Daily walk for a mile can prove much beneficial in your fitness.

You can also do jogging in nearby park or jogging track. Jogging keeps your metabolism active and speed your weight lose. Yoga is best at the age of forty. It provides you with peace of mind. Yoga is very beneficial at forty because it can improve flexibility, reduces stress and relieve back pain.

Mostly people feel the effect of age firstly in their joints. As you age, connective tissues become less elastic and you are at more risk of injury to your joints. So with the growing age, you must be careful about yourself. Avoid such tasks and woks that can cause your joints to injure.

One of the main health concerns for 40 years age is cholesterol level. Reduce foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and replace them with foods that help you in raising your good cholesterol such as fish with omega 3 fatty acid and you must use olive oil in your diet. You should also consider increasing your calcium intake to help in maintaining bone strength as you age.

You must increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is important as you age. Vegetables and fruits are full of natural vitamins and minerals that your body requires to keep the internal system of your body healthy and active. You must intake oranges and strawberries for vitamin C, bananas for magnesium, spinach for iron and tomatoes for lycopene. 

If you are at age of forty, you not need to worry. You can take help from abovementioned tips that will definitely help you in making you healthy.


We should always avoid sunburn although sometimes this energy comes suddenly. The redness, irritation, scaling, pain, swelling, unsightly blisters and sunburn may last 3-7 days and are extremely annoying. Sunburns are, in fact, acute inflammation of the skin cells, caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Many people are unaware that the chemicals that are put on the skin can cause inflammation once it is exposed to sunlight. When we are in the presence of sunburn, natural treatment for skin always help and provides refreshing and soothing effect to remove the burning and itching.
Here are some natural treatment for sunburns on face easy and handy.


Take 4 tbsp of tomato juice and 2 tbsp of fresh cream, mix and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with cold

water. Follow this procedure for 1 week.

Mix milk and lemon juice, apply at night and wash next day in the morning, your sunbrun will be cured.

Make a paste of cornstarch or baking soda with water, apply on affected area and leave until your burning stops. Then rinse
it off.

Take chilled cucumber and apply slices on affected area or make a paste of chilled cucumber with the help of aloe vera gel or
cornstarch to make a thick paste.

Apply cider vinegar on burning area, after a few minutes apply coconut oil, you will feel relief.

Monday 22 June 2015

How To Stay Active During Fasting In Ramzan

The holy month of Ramzan has just arrived and we must greet this holy month by getting prepared for these spiritual 30 days. Allah has fixed this month for his worship and fasting which means to not to eat for a fixed time that is from dawn to dusk.

This year the month of Ramzan will be in July which is the hottest month of the year and the fast is supposed to be 16 hours long almost which means the complete abstinence from food and it will be about one third hours fasting in 24 hours of the day. The month of Ramzan not only accompanies fasting but it also has many health benefits for all Muslims. Fasting drenches the energy from body making us less active during day so we must know how to stay active during fasting in Ramzan.

Tips To Stay Active During Fasting In Ramzan

Healthy Sahar Time:

Fast begins with sahar time means to have breakfast at dawn. The basic health tip to stay active during fasting is to have a healthy sahar meal. The good choice is to consume complex carbohydrates which help to provide energy during fasting or have foods which have low digestion and provide energy for long hours during fasting. Foods such as grains like barley, wheat, oats, beans, lentils, and rice have complex carbohydrates and help in staying fit and energetic during fasting.

The foods rich in fiber such as bran, cereals, whole wheat, grains, potatoes and other vegetables like green beans and fruits also digest slowly.

•  Drinking Water

Fasting causes dehydration therefore drinking 5-7 glasses of water during non-fasting hours is very important to keep your body hydrated. It will also maintain blood flow and will regulate body temperature. This year the Ramzan in hot month of July will also make us sweating so drinking sufficient water will replace the lost electrolytes in our body.

•  Balance Diet

A balance diet is another factor to stay active while fasting during Ramzan. You must consume healthy meal to avoid getting more fat pile up in your body. Try to use more fruits, fresh juices, green vegetables and chapatti to remain energetic. Some foods cause lethargy making a person dull during fasting such as red meat and fast food like burgers. Avoid these junk meals.

•  Avoid Over Eating

At aftar time, we end up stuffing our stomach with too much food that it causes acidity and indigestion. Fast does not mean to over eat or eating more than your normal routine. Try to limit yourself to one third of the food, one third of water and one third of air. It will make you feel lighter and energetic during next day of the fasting.

•  Doing Exercise

To stay active while fasting during Ramzan it is better to make a schedule for exercise. Doing some exercise of about 30 minutes’ walk, 30 minutes cycling or house cleaning are best ways to beat lethargy. The interesting way of exercise is to spend an hour in kitchen to prepare aftar meal; it will make you energetic before going to table for aftar.

•  Healthy Aftar Time

Healthy aftar meal is also a part of staying fit in Ramzan. During fasting a person becomes less active due to fats melting to provide energy, this is replaced by having meal on aftar time but it does not mean to eat fried items like pakorey and samosey or kachoris. The healthier you eat in Ramzan, the healthier your fasts will be.

•  Praying & Worshiping

To make your fasts more energetic indulge into long prayers and worship. Don’t miss your prayers 5 times a day because it makes you active and physically fit during fast. It also makes you spiritually healthy which is good to stay active while fasting during Ramzan.

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Time to cook up some curry! A study in the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology showed older adults in India are 4.4 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's than the same demographic in the U.S. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory abilities to protect cell erosion and carries antioxidant effects that fight against breakdown in cell membranes. "It's more than just a protector against Alzheimer's," says clinical dietitian Jaclyn London, RD, who specializes in neurology and brain injury at Mount Sinai Health System. "Research has shown that individuals who only occasionally consume curry, less than once per month, still performed better on a standardized test than those who reported rarely or never eating curry.

Cycling Makes You Fit

Exercising daily keeps you fit and healthy. Besides walking, jogging and running, cycling is also a form of exercise. Cycling makes you fit. It is a great cardiovascular exercise.

Cycling makes you look younger and it has been demonstrated by scientists that cycling regularly protects your skin from harmful effects of UV rays and also helps in reducing signs of aging. Due to cycling, increased circulation of blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin cell more efficiently. Cycling results in generating an ideal environment to optimize collagen production within the body and help in reducing the symptoms of wrinkles and speed up the healing process.

Do you need to increase the use of your brain? Then cycling is the ideal way to sparkle your gray matter. You must get paddling. Cycling is the most effective form of exercise which helps in building new brain cells in hippocampus - the part of brain that is associated with memory and deteriorates after age of 30. Cycling also strengthens blood flow and provides oxygen to the brain which regenerates the receptors and keeps you mentally and psychologically fit.

Forget apples and add cycling in your daily routine to keep yourself away from doctors. Cycling helps in beating illness by making immune cells more active. Researchers have proved that the people who cycle for thirty minutes five days a week are less likely to get infected by harmful infections.

The people who cycle are at low risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart problems, diabetes, all types of cancer and obesity. Cycling is the great cardiovascular exercise that helps you live longer. Cycling makes the body more efficient at defending and regenerating new cells. Cycling also reduces the chances of heart risks by fifty percent. Cycling prevents fatal heart diseases.  

Cycling helps you in sleeping more deeply. The patients of insomnia must adopt the habit of cycling in their daily life so that they can sleep deeply. Sleeping makes your body and mind healthy and helps you in managing all work efficiently whether at home or in office. Cycling boosts motivation and ability to deal with the stress. It also improves time and workload management and prevents them from worries and anxieties.

Cycling also strengthens your muscles and makes you stronger and more efficient. It also keeps your ankle, joints and hips healthy and also allows you to be efficient in sports and games. Physical activity like cycling will decrease the time that it takes to move food from large intestine and also limit the amount of water that absorbed back into your body and leaving you with softer stool. Cycling accelerates your heart beat rate which helps in stimulating the contraction of intestinal muscles. It is also a remedy for bowel cancer.

Cycling has huge benefits which keeps you fit without trying too hard. It also saves your money that you would pay to get a gym membership. Stay healthy and keep yourself fit and smart both mentally and physically by cycling.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Triceps Workout Techniques to Apply at Home

Home Workouts are ideal way to maintain a fitness routine with a hectic lifestyle. You have the freedom in home workouts to choose your preferable time, maintain a flexible schedule and yet enjoy a perfect body.

Therefore, we now bring you some tips on home triceps workout which you can do as part of your home workouts regime and have perfect triceps, just the way you wish!

The Dips for Home Triceps Workout:

It’s best advised to start home triceps workout in home workouts with dips. They are very convenient to do in home workouts and you can carry out dips in home triceps workout while even watching television.

Just take a stool or some firm bench for dips in home workouts and take a sitting position parallel to it facing you back towards it. Now place both your hands soon either side and move your body up and down. Make sure your ankles are firm on the ground for this home triceps workout.

The Push-ups in Home Workouts:

Push-ups are always an effective part of home workouts and same holds true for home triceps workout. In home triceps workout, push-ups are going to be a blissful act. Just make sure that while doing push-ups in home triceps workout, do not arch your body and bend you back, make sure your you maintain a good pace while moving up and down in push-ups in home workouts.

The Overhead Dumbbells for Home Triceps Workout:

Another ideal home triceps workout is to use make good use of dumbbells in home workouts and do effective home triceps workout. For home workouts, hold a dumbbell in your hand; lift your arm with elbow protruding towards ceiling and like clockwise and counter-clockwise motion, move you arm till the head is right above the middle of your head. This is surely effective in home triceps workout and you will enjoy doing it too as part of home triceps workout.

These are a few of the top rated home triceps workout exercises. They are easy, effective and very flexible to suit with your time limitations for home workouts. Just makes sure that you carry out home triceps workout at least twice or thrice a week for better strength and performance of your triceps.

Last but not the least, for home triceps workout; make sure that you take help from a trainer once in a while in order to make sure that you are on the right track with home triceps workout in home workouts. In this way, chances of injuries through wrong home triceps workout are minimized and you will have better results from home workouts.

The Superfoods for Gorgeous Skin and Hair

The secret to healthier hair and glowing skin? It's not in your makeup case. It's in your diet. Nutritionist Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, author of The Beauty Diet, says these superfoods will give you gorgeous skin and beautiful hair.


This low-profile berry was ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to 40 common fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature aging, so add half a cup to your yogurt or cereal every day.


Depression are among the most common mental illnesses. The depression symptoms are vast, but often show through a permanent psychological depth, accompanied by feelings of sadness, melancholy or hopelessness. In every day burden of depression also, since its often associated insomnia, lack of concentration and lack of drive.


The some of common and effective causes of depression are:
1.   Chronic stress
2.   Unemployment
3.   Death of a family member
4.   Divorce or separation
5.   Hypothyroidism or Perfectionism.


If depression is suspected, the first visit to a physician should perform. This should first rule out organic disorders. Often, For example, thyroid disorders can have similar symptoms result.


The road to depression therapy is certainly not an easy step, but quite effective. The 1st path leads here to a Neurologist or Psychiatrist, here is clarified what form of Therapy is useful for depression, and whether any medical accompaniments, such as antidepressants, are worthwhile.

During a conversation, behavioral or Psychotherapy then the problems of those affected are identified and the necessary steps defined, it ultimately be deleted from the consciousness. Depression patients learn in this context, to gain new perspectives on existing processes and conditions and understand new ways to address problem situations. The disease itself and its impact on the immediate environment, often as part of a therapy. In this way, often completely new and unknown insights arise concerning the disease itself and the individual person.

Way out:

1.   Many patients want to try to circumvent the therapy and try to get yourself out depression to liberate. However, this is possible only with the greatest effort and succeed not at the most. Therefore, the road to recovery ultimately leads almost exclusively through an appropriate form of therapy.

2.   Often things will get done that make a fun. The falls depressed people but quite heavy. The more severe the depression, the more one should overcome once again his hobby to pursue.

3.   Furthermore, it is also good to drive his sport. Here, the so called Endorphins are expelled that can help at least to feel something.Also a nice meal can help lighten the mood a little. Cooking up yet again your favorite food or go to your favorite restaurant.

4.   A very important point is also the relaxation. Try different relaxation methods out until you find the right place for you. All this is rather beside the point. The main thing is that you accept the disease first and learn to deal with it. It can also partner with a lot of understanding to be a real help.


The normal amount of body hair for women varies. Most of the time, a woman only has fine hair or peach fuzz, lips, chin, chest, abdomen or back. If you have thick, dark hairs in these areas, the condition is called hirsutism. In most cases, the exact cause is never identified. In general, hirsutism is harmless and tends to be hereditary. However, many women find it bothersome, or even embarrassing. Here is the best facial hair remover you can use to get rid of this problem.



Vitamin A cream – 1 tsp
Glycerine – 1/4 cup
Banyan tree gum – 2 tbsp
Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
Beeswax – 1 cup
Shaker – 2 tbsp
Lemon juice – 1/4 cup
Vitamin C tablets – 4 crushed


Take a pan, add vitamin A cream, banyan tree gum, turmeric powder, bees wax, shaker, lemon juice and vitamin C tablets.
Cook until beeswax and banyan tree gum dissolve and turn into cream form.
When it’s done keep in fridge.
Warm it and apply every time after wax for 40 minutes.
Then massage gradually and rinse it.

Wednesday 3 June 2015


Now that we are entering hot weather, it’s important to consider using sunscreen, and so this sunscreen for men can help you.
You should apply sunscreen to be effective 30 minutes before sun exposure.
If makeup is used, it should be applied under makeup.
Use the necessary amount to cover all the skin properly.
Caution in the most sensitive parts of the body: face, neck, shoulders, arms, ears, hands and toes.
Apply sunscreen every hour at least.
The clouds let through the UV rays, so even if its cloudy you should use it.

This homemade sunscreen was created by Dr. Khurram Mushir
specially for men, but anyone can use it.



Aloe Vera gel – 1 tbsp
Tomato pulp – 2 tbsp
Cinnamon powder – 1 pinch
Sesame oil – 2 tbsp
Wheat germ oil – 1 tbsp
Jasmine oil – 1 tbsp


Add Aloe Vera gel, tomato pulp, cinnamon powder, sesame oil, wheatgerm oil, jasmin oil, mix and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
Then place in the fridge.
Apply this sunscreen half an hour before going under the sun, then wash with water.
It will also help get rid of freckles, sun damaged skin, dark spots on face, black heads, pimples, etc, and it will give you glowing skin.
You can also keep some in your office or on work place, if you want to apply for lunch, or on your way back home.

7 Push-Up Mistakes You're Probably Making

There's a lot more to push-ups than getting on all fours and moving up and down. And knowing the proper technique is important: It'll reduce your risk of injury, improve core strength, and burn more calories. Make note of these common mistakes, then visit to see how doing push-ups can also help veterans nationwide.

The problem: Your butt rises:

Push-ups are a great ab exercise, but this is a clear indication that you're not engaging your core.
The fix: Engage your glute muscles by squeezing the cheeks together. This will help lower your butt and raise your lower back.

The problem: Your back looks more like a hammock and less like a board:

Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.
The fix: Raise your low back toward the ceiling while simultaneously tilting your pelvic bones in the direction of your upper body.

The problem: Improper arm placement:

Lots of people place their hands too far forward, which puts strain on the shoulder joints, making it difficult to comfortably engage the buttocks, low back, and abdominal area.
The fix: Your arms need to be straight up and down like a pillar holding up a building, allowing the bones in both arms to better support the weight of your body.

The problem: Poor head alignment:

This happens when the chin and jaw are too close to your chest during the exercise.
The fix: Try to imagine a grapefruit-size space between your chin and upper chest, which will align your spine and relieve pressure from your neck muscles.

The problem: Dead legs:

Most people think that their legs are just along for the ride. Not true.
The fix: To achieve more muscle recruitment and better alignment during a push-up, it's important to push the backs of your knees toward the ceiling and your heels toward the floor, while flexing your quadriceps ever so slightly.

The problem: You're holding your breath:

This one is obvious, but quite often the most overlooked. It's difficult to do anything well while holding your breath.
The fix: Don't force it—just make sure you're exhaling on the way up and inhaling on the way down like you would breath naturally. No yoga-style exhales here.

The problem: You're only doing half a push-up:

Far too often people don't go low enough or high enough, but you can't improve or get stronger doing a half push-up.
The fix: Try to straighten your arms at the top of every push-up and be conscious that your upper arms/triceps are at least parallel to the floor at the bottom, creating a 90-degree angle with your elbows.

Sleep disorders

In today’s busy life every 4th person have a problem with its sleep. Anyone who sleeps poorly, should be attentive. Can be used for acute episodes of sleep disorders and problems no tangible triggers such as stress or an infection found, it is important to investigate other possible causes, when the insomnia last longer especially.

Poor sleep, do not sleep through the night, waking up too early in the morning, snoring, struggling for breath at night or go with tingling legs up and down, again and again wake up etc are symptoms of sleep disorders.

Sleep disorders and problems have many faces and multiple causes but here below we tell you some main and minute sleep disorders tips. By paying little attention on these minute sleep disorders and problems you can get a restful and healthy sleep.

Sleep disorders:

Here are the some points and things that disturb your sleep and cause sleep disorders and problems.

1. You can not sleep well and feel stress while you go to bed. Waking up too early again and again after some interval during night is sleeping disorder.

2. If you get full sleep at night but when you awake in morning you feel stress and tiredness along with that your mood is off.

3. Those people that have complaint about asleep at night. They get their required sleep but the interval in which the awake during sleep disturb them.

4. If your bed is not comfortable or your bed is too hot or cold then you can’t get proper sleep and feel stress while you are going to bed. Noise and bright light in bedroom also effect your sleep and create disturbance in your sleeping.

5. Emotional complications, Psychological problems, Mental and body stress create disturbance in your sleep. Psychological problems such as concern diseases, depression, madness, laugh or frank problems and diseases can disturb your sleeping.


If you have any type of above issue or sleeping disorders then you should discuss with your doctor or physician about these problems. You doctor will suggest you better tips or medicines.

Banana benefits for health

Healthy and delicious not together often, and it is not surprising that a majority of people, especially children, choose taste over nutrition. But the switch to a healthier diet without resorting to taste can be easier than you think. Bananas are the perfect example. Counted among the most popular fruits in the world, meet bananas, your taste buds and offers many health benefits.

One of the most popular fruits in the world, bananas are popular because of their nutritional value, ease of use, storage and disposal. Unlike other fruits, they do not need to be cooled, cut into slices before serving. Here we tell you Banana benefits for health and banana benefits for health in Urdu for you.

Banana benefits:

1. Bananas with nutrients that help to improve and are packed to good health. They provide immediate and sustained energy.

2. Bananas are a good source of fiber and can help restore normal bowel movement and relieves constipation and diarrhea.

3. They are rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Magnesium and potassium. They help regulate blood pressure and are easy to digest, even for infants.

4. They have no fat and replace essential nutrients lost during exercise. You can control mood and help depression. Rich in iron, bananas help hemoglobin function. They contain a compound that nourishes Probiotic bacteria and therefore the promotion and protection digesting ability of unhealthy bacteria.

5. They also increase the body’s ability to absorb calcium, thus strengthening the bones. Bananas are good for the health of the kidneys and may reduce the risk of kidney cancer. Bananas can help heartburn and nausea, and improve the function of the nerves.

6. Bananas contain sugar, they can contribute to sugar craving and can be used in place of other artificially sweetened substances. However, people with diabetes are recommended to eat them in moderation.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Green Tea

Green tea is known as one of the most useful products because it contains many substances that play an important role in the human body.

Zinc present in large quantity, Zinc plays an important role in the normal course of pregnancy.

Green tea have lots of benefits for our health as well it protect us form many diseases and active our immune system to fight against diseases and infections.

If we drink 3 to 4 cups green tea daily then we don’t need to go to doctor.

Green tea benefits:

1. It protects us from several diseases like Cancer, high blood sugar and inflammation.

It contain essential antibiotic’s that don’t let to dry our cells and give maximum protection against Cancer and HIV and AIDS.

2. Contain nutrients and ingredients that burns our body fats and protect us from obesity.

It also helpful in weight loss, heart, liver and kidney diseases.

3. If you drink green tea regularly, it strengthen your mind, improve your mood, enhance memory and brain activity.

Also regularly intake slows down and stops the aging of cells and contributes to rejuvenation and long service life.

4. Improves the flexibility of the body and the nervous system. Also it is strong remedy for obesity.

Green tea is a beauty tool that expands the skin and opens the pores.

5. It helps to balance cholesterol levels in the blood and other pollutants, and deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Because of its diuretic effect, it stimulates the excretory system, the kidneys and the bladder as well as high blood pressure and heart disease.

6. During the summer heat, it is best to drink because it cools the body. So the body temperature adapted to the external conditions.

When we drink green tea after 10 minutes our skin pores open, body temperature drops by 2 degrees and we feel comfortable during the great overheating.

How Yoga Can Make Men Fit

Yoga is a mind body practice and also a contemporary and alternative medicine practice. Yoga is associated with stretched exercise, controlled breathing and relaxation. Yoga helps in reducing blood pressure, anxieties and improving heart functions. Yoga not only is an effective way to reduce stress but also a good way to get fit and stay healthy. Yoga has more beneficial influence on men. When it comes to the men fitness, yoga can be a great thing.

In taking exercise you tend to utilize 10 to 15% of the body whereas yoga provides you workout that covers every muscle, joint and organ. The yoga practice oxygenates the blood and stimulates energy in your body. Yoga increases flexibility in your body, muscle strength and endurance.

Yoga does not deplete your all body energy after a gym workout where your body is entirely fatigued. It actually increases your vigor, making you feel more aware and revitalized.

Yoga is highly beneficial in decreasing muscles soreness. After a workout when your body is fatigued, yoga releases tension. Yoga will leave you refresh and less likely to injure you.

The gigantic benefit of yoga is that it lowers your heart rate. Yoga routine strengthens your cardiovascular system. Yoga practice will also improve your breathing rate by providing your body more oxygen to work more efficiently.

The huge part of yoga is the deep abdominal breathing and it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. Yoga practice helps you in reducing levels of cortisol (a hormone they forces your body to put on belly fat). Train yourself to breathe deeply through yoga to keep away from excessive fat on belly. Yoga can reduce stress and cortisole level in your body.

Yoga trains your focus on any task. Yoga helps you in paying attention to your all workout and enables you to work more efficiently. It also improves your performance and prevents you from future injuries.

Yoga enhances immune system. The practice of yoga is often referred to intense. When you practice yoga; you sweat a considerable amount and in this way you can get rid of all toxins from your body and stimulate your immune system. Yoga practice activates your metabolism and also helps in burning up to 600 calories per day that will help you lose weight.

Yoga makes you look more attractive. Yoga adds a new flavor to your persona. When you practice yoga; you are instantly more attractive and flexible.

Yoga gives you relief form stress and peace of mind. It gives you the ability to feel more content.
Yoga gives you inner peace and it is reflected from the face. Yoga makes you happy, passionate and damn sexy.

Yoga keeps you fit besides providing you inner peace. In this way it makes you self confident.
Yoga is also good for your sexual pleasure. Yoga delivers fresh blood with oxygen to the sex organs so this particularly beneficial exercise for men in revitalizing their sexual desire.

Don’t put yourself too hard for yoga when doing for the first time. Do remember yoga is marathon not a sprint. Stick with it and enjoy its benefits.

Foods That You Should Never Eat After a Workout

There are loads of foods that you should never eat after a workout. You might feel hungry and fatigue after an excessive amount of work out but you cannot go every kind of food available to have your hands upon, as there are some foods that you should never eat after a workout.

Some of the foods might be fattening or might not help in making you healthier if you use them after a wok out so it is better to avoid some foods. Sugary products and other products containing calories are the foods that you should never eat after a workout, as they will pose a threat to all your work out hard work that you have just put in.

One of the basic foods that you should never eat after a workout include the sugary products as they would make a metabolic reaction in your body and will let you have more mass on your body despite of work out so sugary foods are the foods that you should not eat after a workout.

After that those fatty foods are also a threat to your all work out, so fatty foods are the food that you should never eat after a work out. These may include fries, fried chicken, oily food or any other fast food that you should never eat after a workout.

You need the right balance in your body of all the food types to have the best out of your work out. Therefore, vegetables are the food that you should never eat after a workout alone as, only eating vegetable would not help in giving you energy and proper strength. The proper energy can only be maintained if you have the proper balance of vitamins and proteins in you.

The foods that you should never eat after a workout also include the energy bars. People most often interpret these wrong and think that it is the bar that would give them energy after work out, but they actually increase fat absorption in your body if taken after work out so this kind of food you should never eat after a workout. Eating these foods will only increase your amount of fat in the body instead of giving you a lean figure and properly toned one.

The soda drinks are another food that you should never eat after work out as the increased amount of sugar in the soda drinks anything but trouble for your body. The soda drinks bring all the wrong things to the human body so they should be avoided but the thing that you should always keep in mind that soda drinks and fatty foods are the foods that you should never eat after a workout, as they would bring only disaster and your whole work out will be of no use.

Thus, there are many foods to choose from, you can eat as much as you can accept some foods that you should never eat after a workout, as they would only create trouble for you instead of giving you the positive results. So please avoid these foods after the work out, as these are the foods that you should never eat after a workout. Having a balance of healthy food and some great efforts will give you the kind of body that you always wanted and will give you the perfect body image.

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